The Wars of the Roses/[From Susan Higginbotham ”In Their Own Words”]/Letter of Edward, Earl of March and Edmund, Earl of Rutland, to their father Richard, Duke of York

[Source: Reprinted inĀ Richard III as Duke of Gloucester and King of England, by Caroline Amelia Halsted]


Edward and Edmund were the oldest living sons of Richard, Duke of York. This letter was written in the 1450’s, following the duke’s return to England from Ireland. Edmund, along with his father, died at the battle of Wakefield on December 30, 1460; Edward became King Edward IV.



Right high and right mighty prince, our full redoubted and right noble lord and father; as lowly with all our hearts, as we your true and natural sons can or may, we recommend us unto your noble grace, humbly beseeching your noble and worthy fatherhood daily to give us your hearty blessing; through which we trust much the rather to increase and grow to virtue, and to speed the better in all matters and things that we shall use, occupy, and exercise.


Right high and right mighty prince, our full redoubted lord and father, we thank our blessed Lord, not only of your honourable conduct, and good speed in all your matters and business, and of your gracious prevail against the intent and malice of your evil-willers, but also of the knowledge that it pleased your nobley to let us now late have of the same, by relation of Sir Watier Deureux knight, and John Milewatier, squier, and John at Nokes, yeoman of your honourable chamber. Also we thank your noblesse and good fatherhood of our green gowns, now late sent unto us to our great comfort; beseeching your good lordship to remember our porteux, and that we might have some fine bonnets sent unto us by the next sure messenger, for necessity so requireth. Over this, right noble lord and father, please it your highness to wit, that we have charged your servant William Smith, bearer of these, for to declare unto your nobley certain things on our behalf, namely, concerning and touching the odious rule, and demening of Richard Crofte and of his brother. Wherefore we beseech your gracious lordship and full noble fatherhood, to hear him in exposition of the same, and to his relation to give full faith and credence.

Right high and right mighty prince, our full redoubted and right noble lord and father, we beseech Almighty Jesus give you a good life and long, with as much continual perfect prosperity, as your princely heart can best desire.


Written at your castle of Ludlow, on Saturday in the Easter Week.


Your humble sons,


E. MaRche, and E. Rutlande.

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