” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.”
Meer dan 7 miljoen mensen, waaronder ondergetekende, hebben recentelijk op Youtube gekeken naar het programma ”BOOS” waarin vrouwen aan het woord kwamen, die de aan RTL programma The Voice verbonden bandleiderbJeroen Rietbergen, rapper Ali B [coach bij The Voice], zanger Marco Borsato, voormalig coach bij the Voice en een anonieme regisseur beschuldigden van sexueel wangedrag, varierendvan het zenden van sexueel getinte appjes, tot aanranding en/of verkrachting.
Jeroen Rietbergen heeft dit inmiddels publiekelijk toegegeven, Marco Borsato heeft er geen mededelingen over gedaan, Ali B ontkent, evenals de genoemde regisseur.
Er is aangifte gedaan tegen Ali B, Jeroen Rietbergen en de betreffende regisseur.
Tegen Marco Borsato was al eerder in een ander verband aangifte gedaan vanwegesexueel wangedrag [wat niet betekent, dat hij in deze zaak schuldig zou zijn].
Inmiddels heeft het OM [dat gaat bepalen of de beschuldigdenvervolgd worden] de zaak in onderzoek.
Het filmpje was vrij confronterend en er is dan ook-terecht- alom verontwaardiging.
Toch vind ik hierbij een waarschuwing op zijn plaats.Want het gevaar is, dat de verontwaardiging doorslaat en dat de publieke opinie, alsmede TV persoonlijkheden, doen, alsof reeds is komen vast te staan, dat het ook daadwerkelijk zo gebeurd is, zonder het OM onderzoek en/of een eventuele rechtszaak af te wachten.
Want tot nu toe is slechts sprake van een aantal beweringen doormogelijke slachtoffers, bewijzen zijn nog niet geleverd, wat aan de rechter is.
Vandaar dat ik de publieke opinie oproep om niet te vergeten,’dat in een rechtsstaat geldt: ”Onschuldig tot schuld bewezen”
Ook noem ik hier de ongemakkelijke waarheid, dat valse aangiftes nu eenmaal voorkomen, zeker als het bekende mensen betreft.
Daarom is het van belang, dat de zaken nu bij het OM liggen,waar een evenwichtige afweging gemaakt kan worden.
Daar hebben de echte of vermeende slachtoffers recht op.Daar hebben de beschuldigden en misschien verdachtenrecht op.Bij een heksenjacht is niemand gebaat.
” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.”
THE VOICE OF HOLLAND SCANDAL/INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY/ASTRID ESSED’S REMARKSREGARDING THE ”THE VOICE OF HOLLAND FOUR”[Ali B, Marco Borsato, Jeroen Rietbergen and the unknown Director] ” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.”
{See under the Astrid Essed’s comments, which were sent as a Letter to the Editor to a number of Dutch newspapers, under the notes, some added articles] Dear Readers More then 7 million people, myself included, have recently watched onYoutube the documentary from the online program ”BOOS” THIS IS THE VOICE” [made by journalistand television presenter Tim Hofman [1]This BOOS edition delt with the Topic ”Sexual misconduct”Women and girls spoke out their accusations of sexual harassment [2] in allforms, ranging from sexual apps and remarks [and also the sending of Dicpics] [3] to sexual assault and rape, against topfigures of the RTL the Voice of Holland programma, namely rapper and comedianAli B [who was a coach of Voice of Holland], singer and former Warchildambassador Marco Borsato [also coach in the Voice], bandleader Jeroen Rietbergen and an unknown director of the Voice, [4]Apart from the stories in online program Boos, charges have been pressedagainst the The Voice of Holland Four: Ali B, Marco Borsato, Jeroen Rietbergen and the anonymous Director.Against Marco Borsato already other charges of sexual misconduct had been pressed in december 2021 [5] In a response on the program ”BOOS: This is the Voice”, Jeroen Rietbergen has admitted that he went too far sexually [6], MarcoBorsato has denied, Ali B has denied, as the anonymous Director. Currently the Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the sexual assault allegations. BOOS DOCUMENTARY: ”THIS IS THE VOICE” The Boos Documentary ”This is the Voice”, is very touching, confronting.And it was with right that people were angry and showed indignation.
YET! I WANT TO ISSUE AN URGENT WARNING IN THIS ”THE VOICE OFHOLLAND” SCANDAL: Because the danger is [and I saw it in the reaction of many known and famousDutch TV personalities], that the public opinion is going too far and acts, writesand talks, as if the allegations of sexual misconduct are no allegations anymore,but proven facts!Without waiting for the outcoming of the investigation of the Prpsecutor’s Office, let alone a possible trial against the The Voice of Holland Four [or possibly more people] ALLEGATIONS/ALLEGATIONS! Because what we know until now?There are a number of allegations, uttered by REAL ORALLEGED VICTIMS [The silly newsmedia already speak of ”real victims”],there are no hard evidence yet [which has to be decided by the judge!] INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY! That’s why I tell to the public not to forget that we are living in a Society with judges, with Courts and above all the principle:”Innocent until proven guilty” [7], which is established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [8], International Treaties [9], EuropeanTreaties, the Dutch and International Law! And let’s face this Uneasy Truth:False statements exist, especially when it concernsthe High and Mighty. Therefore its is of the greatest importance, that the allegation-casesare in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office now, where a just, judicialdecision can be made.Prosecute or not. The real or alleged victims have a right to it, as the accusedand maybe suspects.In case of a witch hunt, there are no winners.
”On 13 December 2021, a 22-year-old Dutch woman filed charges against Borsato with the police, accusing Borsato of grooming and sexually assaulting her for years beginning when she was 15 by touching her genitals, buttocks and breasts against her will.[30] The victim considered Borsato, who was a family friend, to be a father figure after her own father died. In the following days, two more women accused Borsato of sexual abuse”
”Soon after RTL’s announcement, band leader of The Voice of Holland, Jeroen Rietbergen (brother in law of media tycoon and creator John de Mol), issued a statement admitting to years of sexual misbehaviour. ” WIKIPEDIA/THE VOICE OF HOLLAND/SEXUAL MISCONDUCT CLAIMS
” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.” ARTICLE 11, UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
RTL temporarily canceled the television show the Voice of Holland due to allegations of sexually transgressive behavior and abuse of power by personnel connected to the show. Shortly after the announcement Saturday morning, it was revealed that composer and keyboardist Jeroen Rietbergen would leave the program with immediate effect. The Public Prosecution Service also confirmed that a criminal complaint connected to a person on the show was filed this week.
The editorial team of the BNNVARA program BOOS informed RTL on Wednesday of the incidents RTL said that The Voice of Holland will not air while the allegations are being investigated. “The allegations are very serious and shocking and were not known to RTL,” the broadcaster stated in a press release.-ADVERTENTIE-
“This Saturday, the editors received a confession and apology from the band leader of The Voice, Jeroen Rietbergen. He announced that he will stop his work at The Voice immediately,” BNNVARA wrote in its own press release. “The Voice of Holland has stated that it was not aware of these abuses and has decided to conduct an independent investigation.”
Dutch singer Marco Borsato was also the subject of allegations about sexually transgressive behavior late last year. Borsato was also a coach on The Voice of Holland from 2011-2015. Rietbergen worked with Borsato for several years over the past two decades. Rietbergen was also previously in a relationship with Linda de Mol, the sister of The Voice creator John de Mol
The television show which uncovered the claims, BOOS, said that the episode detailing their investigation will air next week. “We put a huge amount of time and effort into the program. Our show about The Voice of Holland will be broadcast coming Thursday,” said BOOS program director Tim Hofman on Twitter.
Hofman began his investigation into power and sexual abuse claims in talent scouting shows in August. During his research, Hofman received information from people who said they experienced sexually transgressive behavior while on The Voice of Holland.
Television producer ITV reacted to the allegations stating, “Our highest priority is to provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone who participates and works on our shows. ITV Studios has a zero-tolerance policy towards the kind of behavior that is said to have taken place. We have immediately ordered an outside investigation.”
The Dutch version of “The Voice” has been suspended pending an investigation into sexual misconduct allegations surrounding the popular talent series.Dutch broadcasting company RTL said it will stop airing the show while it carries out an investigation with producers ITV into allegations of “sexually inappropriate behavior” and “abuse of power,” according to a statement released by RTL over the weekend.Among those facing accusations is “The Voice” bandleader Jeroen Rietbergen, who has resigned from his post and issued an apology.
RTL, an affiliate of CNN, said it was notified of the allegations at “The Voice of Holland” on January 12 by the Dutch TV news program BOOS. RTL said it was previously unaware of misconduct allegations.
“We take this extremely seriously. Participants, colleagues, everyone must be able to work in complete safety. There is no room for interpretation in that. The priority is now to get the facts on the table,” Saturday’s statement added.BOOS said in a statement that it received stories in spring 2021 about sexually inappropriate behavior at “The Voice of Holland.”BOOS show host Tim Hofman subsequently issued an open call, where he asked if there were other people who had experienced “something inappropriate at talent shows.””Numerous reactions followed from people who said they were victim or witness to abuse of power or sexually inappropriate behavior at ‘The Voice,'” the BOOS statement said.Those accused of misconduct were approached by BOOS, the show said. One of these was Rietbergen.In a statement reported by RTL, Rietbergen said: “During my years-long involvement with ‘The Voice of Holland’ I had contact of a sexual nature with some women involved in the program and exchanged sexually colored WhatsApp messages.”My involvement with ‘The Voice of Holland’ was as a pianist and bandleader. In my opinion there was no position of power at the time, in my position I am not in a position to favor anyone on the program, I am solely concerned with the music. I saw the contacts as reciprocal and equal.”Rietbergen added: “In the intervening time I have become very aware that my own perception is not relevant at all, but much more the perception of the women concerned. And that these women may have experienced this very differently. This insight has made me realize that my behavior was completely wrong. The things that I have done I should never have done.”Rietbergen, who said he has had professional help, said he has “drastically and permanently” changed his behavior. He said that he will immediately stop working for the series.”I am more sorry for everything than I can express in this statement,” Rietbergen added.BOOS added that the allegations concern Rietbergen, as well as “multiple people within the program.”ITV Studios said in a statement to CNN Tuesday: “Our utmost priority is to provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone who takes part in or works on our shows and there is zero tolerance at ITV Studios for the type of behaviour alleged to have taken place.”On Monday, Dutch Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius urged anyone who has been a victim of sexual intimidation or violence to file a report so the police and Public Prosecution Service can start an investigation. The Public Prosecution Service is responsible for investigating and prosecuting criminal offenses.The Dutch reality singing contest sparked the original format of the show in 2010, where judges sit with their chairs facing away from the stage, so that they initially cannot see prospective candidates.If the judges like the sound of a candidate’s voice, they must press their button, which spins their chair towards the stage to reveal the contestant behind the blind audition.
The series has since been iterated in countries including the UK, the US and Australia, where previous coaches include global artists such as will.i.am, Kylie Minogue, Ariana Grande and John Legend.A program about sexual misconduct at “The Voice of Holland” is scheduled to air on Thursday, BOOS added.
The creator of reality TV shows including The Voice and Big Brother has been accused of victim-blaming by his company’s female employees after accusations of widespread sexual abuse of contestants on the original Dutch version of The Voice.
In a full-page advert in the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, a group of employees at the production company Talpa Media castigated its founder, John De Mol, for suggesting that women as well as men had lessons to learn from a scandal that has gripped the country this week and prompted the broadcaster RTL to take Friday’s episode of The Voice of Holland off air.
Following a deluge of allegations of abuse made against men on the show, De Mol, 66, said in an interview: “Do not wait. Do not be afraid. You have to open your mouth. Only then can we help you … Women apparently have a kind of shame, I don’t know what it is, but I would like to delve into it.”
In response, an advert was published in Friday’s newspaper that said: “Dear John, it’s not the women. Greetings, the women of your company.”
In an accompanying statement the group of employees wrote of their “amazement and shame” at De Mol’s comments. It “says a lot about a culture change that is needed within the company, but also in the media world and society,” the statement continued. “And certainly at more large companies where these kinds of thinking errors are still made by men in power.
“Women’s behaviour is not the problem. And not the solution either. This statement is of course also for all other victims of sexually transgressive behaviour in the workplace (not just at Talpa), to encourage them.”
On Friday night, De Mol said he had been “moved” by the advert and had spoken to the women behind it to “understand this anger and disappointment”. He added: “I now understand that, contrary to my good intentions, I have failed to take into account the fact that I, completely unintentionally, gave the impression that I was putting the blame on women. It has become clear to me now that women will not come forward if the culture in a company is not perceived as being sufficiently safe. I blame myself for the fact that this is apparently the case in my company, and I am 100% committed to changing this.”
The Voice of Holland was suspended before Thursday’s broadcast of a documentary on the YouTube channel Boos, which translates as “angry”, and is run by the public broadcasting company BNNVARA. In the documentary, dozens of anonymous women alleged that high-profile men on The Voice had sexually harassed, abused and assaulted them.
A spokesperson for ITV Studios said the company was “shocked and dismayed” by the allegations but declined to comment on De Mol’s interview. She said: “Our utmost priority is to provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone who takes part in or works on our shows and there is zero tolerance at ITV Studios for the type of behaviour highlighted in the show.
“After ITV Studios received notice from Boos of this behaviour last week we moved quickly to launch an external investigation to fully understand what happened.”
Netherlands authorities, including the justice minister, subsequently urged anyone who had been a victim of sexual abuses on the programme to file a complaint with the police so that they and the Public Prosecution Service could investigate
The rapper Ali Bouali, 40, a coach on the show who goes by the name Ali B, was accused by one former contestant of raping her when she appeared on the programme as an 18-year-old hopeful.
In a statement, he responded: “There are now two anonymous reports that are presented with a lot of fury as news. That is unjustified. I cannot publicly defend myself against this. Nevertheless, it is clear to me that the Public Prosecution Service will in both cases have to decide to dismiss [the allegations]. I am not guilty of what I am accused of in the claims.”
Before the broadcast of the allegations, Jeroen Rietbergen, 50, the show’s bandleader, stood down after admitting to having had “sexual contact” with women on the show and sending sexually oriented messages on an app. Rietbergen, until recently the partner of De Mol’s sister, the TV presenter Linda de Mol, said he was not aware of wrongdoing at the time of the alleged incidents.
Six other women have made complaints about the singer Marco Borsato, three of them contestants on The Voice and three on The Voice Kids. Borasto denies any wrongdoing.
De Mol, who initially made his fortune through development of the reality television series Big Brother, spoke of his disappointment that the HR procedures in his company had not protected the contestants.
ITV bought Talpa Media seven years ago for £355m, with further payments dependent on future performance, up to a total potential cost of £920,000.
The company has created 75 shows in more than 180 countries. The Voice format, in which singers are selected via public auditions and then coached by professionals before a competition for a recording contract, has been aired in 50 countries.
Anouk Teeuwe, a female singer who represented the Netherlands at the Eurovision song contest in 2013, said she had quit as a coach on the programme.
“The news is so saddening and a major disappointment,” she said. “I know enough. I’ve decided I don’t want to return to The Voice. It’s a corrupt mess. I don’t want to work at a place where men have, for years, abused their positions and where others have chosen to keep the misconduct silent and look the other way.
“You just can’t do that. You’ve got structural issues when you do that. I do not wish to be part of such behaviour, that’s just not me. So therefore, I will not return to The Voice of Holland.”
Jeroen Rietbergen, the series’ band leader, resigned on Saturday, admitting to “relationships of a sexual nature” with women involved in the programme.
The UK version was previously broadcast on the BBC for five series, before it moved to ITV.
The show sees the singing coaches do initial “blind auditions” with singing hopefuls, who have to perform while the judges’ backs are turned, so they are assessed only on their vocal merits.
ITV Studios told the BBC they are “shocked” by the allegations about the Dutch show, which started its 12th series in early January.
“Our utmost priority is to provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone who takes part in or works on our shows and there is zero tolerance at ITV Studios for the type of behaviour alleged to have taken place,” they said.
“We have immediately commissioned an external investigation into the allegations.”
RTL told the BBC the “very serious and shocking” allegations “were not known to RTL”.
They said they were told about the “allegations of sexually transgressive behaviour and abuse of power in relation to The Voice of Holland” on 12 January by by news programme Boos, broadcast on Dutch public broadcaster BNN/VARA, which had been conducting an investigation.
Alleged misconduct
RTL added that a “mutual agreement” was reached with ITV about it conducting a “diligent, independent investigation” into the allegations.
“We take this very seriously. Everyone, including both participants and employees, must be able to work in complete safety. There is no room for interpretation here. The priority now is to get the facts straight,” they said.
The BBC has asked RTL for comment from Rietbergen.
The Hollywood Reporter said it was “not clear whether the alleged misconduct at The Voice of Holland took place before or after the ITV takeover”.
RTL suggested there is “talk of abuse of power and sexually transgressive behaviour of three employees”, including “a complaint against jury member Ali B” but that his management said: “Ali has never abused his position and has never acted” in a sexually transgressive way.”
Dutch rapper Ali B posted on Instagram he is “100% convinced” of his own innocence and his management said they currently had nothing to add to his words on social media.
Pre-recorded shows held back
Rietbergen said in a statement he had some years ago had “contact of a sexual nature” with women involved in the programme, and that he had exchanged sexually explicit messages” with them.
He added he did not feel he was abusing his position of powerbut has “now become very aware that my own perception is not relevant at all, but much more the perception of the women concerned. And that these women may have experienced this very differently”.
The identity of the third employee has not been made public.
The Hollywood Reporter said Rietbergen has been in a romantic relationship for more than a decade with Dutch TV star Linda de Mol, who is the sister of one of the show’s creators. but that she declined to comment.
Reitbergen said he has been very aware for “a number of years” that he made a mistake, and that he has received professional help for his behaviour, according to RTL.
ITV Studios told Hollywood Reporter they were contacted “this week” by Boos with the allegations of “inappropriate behaviour” associated with the show.
RTL said the show runs for 15 episodes and that 12 have been recorded, with two broadcast. The last three would have been broadcast live.
A YouTube documentary about sexual intimidation and abuse surrounding The Voice of Holland talent show has detailed a long list of claims about sexual abuse, inappropriate comments and behaviour and even one instance of rape. The long-awaited programme, broadcast on Thursday afternoon, involved statements from dozens of anonymous women who were contestants on the show. One former contestant accused rapper and show coach Ali B of raping her eight years ago, when she appeared on the show as an 18-year-old. The woman told her story in a disguised voice, saying she ‘froze’ during the attack and that it had taken her years to realise she was not to blame. Two women have so far made police complaints about B, who denies all the allegations. The programme included other anonymous women who spoke about B promising them fame and then trying to kiss and touch them at his home or in the dressing room – a pattern repeated by other men involved in the show. Off air RTL took the talent hunt off air last weekend when band leader Jeroen Rietbergen went public with a confession, before the allegations were broadcast. Rietbergen is alleged to have made continuous sexualised comments during rehearsals, sent women photos of his sexual organ and in one case, had physical contact. The complaints about Rietbergen cover a period of over ten years, from 2010 and involve at least 19 women. De Mol The show also made it clear that John de Mol, who devised the programme and owned broadcasting company Talpa until it was taken over by ITV in 2019, was aware of at least one case of unacceptable sexual behaviour by Rietbergen in April 2019. De Mol told the programme he had summoned Rietbergen and given him a serious talking too, but also gave him a second chance. De Mol said he was not aware that Rietbergen had also sexually intimidated other women. Rietbergen was at the time in a relationship with De Mol’s sister, television presenter Linda. The couple separated after the scandal broke and Linda de Mol said before the broadcast that her heart ‘wept for all the women who have suffered’. Six women made complaints about singer Marco Borsato, three from contestants on The Voice and three on The Voice Kids. A spokesman for Borsato, who was faced with allegations about his behaviour at the end of the last year, said he would not be commenting on the claims. Director A further 15 women made complaints about one of the show’s directors who was not named by the programme makers. He was accused of making inappropriate comments and touching the contestants and told the programme via his lawyer that he denied all the accusations. Since the storm broke, judge and coach Anouk has also quit the line-up, and the main sponsors have dumped the programme. RTL has also pulled The Voice Kids and The Voice Senior. The Voice format has been bought by broadcasters in over 50 countries world wide, since its inception in 2010.
A week and a half after the first revelations of sexually transgressive behavior at the talent show The Voice of Holland, the Center for Sexual Violence (CSG) is still receiving more calls and chats than usual. Most people report experiencing sexual violence a long time ago.
Wher the CSG usually conducts about 12 to 13 chat conversations a day, on the day that BNN/VARA program BOOS put the episode about The Voice online on Thursday, there were 341 chat conversations. On Friday, the center had 286 chat conversations. “The chats just keep coming,” said CSG head Iva Bicanic. “Where we normally have two emergency workers on the cats at night, we were still short of hands during the peak with 12 emergency workers.”-ADVERTENTIE-
The number of chats decreased over the weekend but remained above average. On Monday, CSG workers held a total of 131 conversations.
There are also more calls coming in than usual. On the day of the BOOS broadcast, the center received 92 calls – over four times as many as the same day a year ago. On Friday, there were 232 calls. Over the weekend, the number of calls dropped to about 70 a day. On Monday, the phone rang 101 times.
The reporting on the alleged abuse on The Voice of Holland has had an enormously triggering effect,” said Bicanic. “It triggered something for many victims of sexual violence. There was no escaping it; the whole of the Netherlands was talking about sexual violence, wherever you looked or listened. For many victims, this caused hidden memories to surface, and thus the suffering pressure increased.”
The reports came, for example, from people who were struggling with re-experiences, sleeping-, and concentration problems. Others called because they felt empowered to seek help after hearing stories in the media. People also called who realized that they themselves had been a victim after all the attention to the subject.
Last week, the CSG called in a “Letter to the Netherlands” to prevent victim-blaming. According to the center, 75 percent of victims of sexual violence face accusatory comments and inappropriate questions.
The organization Victim Support also reported that chat conversations tripled last week.
BOOS maker Tim Hofman also notices the first results of his episode on The Voice of Holland. “Something seems to be moving,” the presenter wrote on Instagram. “We see companies, universities, associations, and other institutes adjusting their policies to create a safer environment. A Cabinet (including Prime Minister) speaks out. Men talk to each other, women share with each other,” said Hofman. This is a “valuable” development, but “we are not there yet,” he added. “It feels like the first big breath of a new wind.”
The presenter also thanked all the people who told their stories about the abuses behind the scenes at The Voice in the broadcast. Dozens of women spoke out about sexually transgressive behavior on the RTL program. This included accusations against band leader Jeroen Rietbergen and coaches Marco Borsato and Ali B.
Dutch talent show “The Voice of Holland” has been taken off air in the Netherlands amid a sexual misconduct scandal
AMSTERDAM — The Dutch talent show “The Voice of Holland” has been taken off the air in the Netherlands amid a sexual misconduct scandal that has cast a shadow over the future of the TV ratings juggernaut in the country where it was first conceived by a media mogul.
The furor is one of the most serious #MeToo reckonings yet to hit the Dutch entertainment world and focuses on a show created in the Netherlands but broadcast in local versions around the globe.
It also draws in a family considered television royalty in the Netherlands — the original creator John de Mol and his sister Linda, a television star in her own right in the Netherlands and Germany who last weekend split from “The Voice of Holland’s” pianist and band leader after he admitted having sexual contacts with some contestants.
The Dutch scandal erupted after a local broadcaster’s YouTube show called “BOOS” — the Dutch word for angry — contacted “The Voice of Holland” to say it has spoken to victims of “sexually transgressive behavior” on the show and is planning to broadcast a program about their allegations on Thursday.
Prosecutors have received two complaints in recent days against one of the show’s panelists, Dutch rapper Ali Bouali. His lawyer, Bart Swier, said Wednesday that the artist known as Ali B denies any wrongdoing. Swier declined to comment further.
The complaints, which Swier said were filed Jan. 11 and on Tuesday, will trigger investigations to establish whether Ali B should face any criminal charges.
Even Prime Minister Mark Rutte has weighed in on the scandal swirling around one of the Netherlands’ most popular TV shows.
“I think everybody is very shocked and it’s good that it is investigated,” he told the Dutch daily De Telegraaf.
Dutch broadcaster RTL, which airs “The Voice of Holland,” reacted swiftly to the reports, saying over the weekend that it was suspending the show. It called the allegations “very serious and shocking” and said they weren’t known to RTL.
Dutch media reported Wednesday that RTL had suspended its ties with Ali B as a result of the complaints. The network did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The show’s pianist and band leader, Jeroen Rietbergen, quit over the weekend and issued a statement acknowledging his actions.
“During my years of involvement with “The Voice of Holland,” I had contact of a sexual nature with some women involved in the program and exchanged sexually tinted WhatsApp messages,” he said in a statement to the RTL Boulevard entertainment news show.
Rietbergen went on to say that after initially considering the sexual encounters “as reciprocal and equal,” he later came to understand that the women “may have experienced this very differently. This insight has made me realize that my behavior has been completely wrong.”
His statement also suggested the show’s producers had known about his actions and cautioned him in the past. Rietbergen’s lawyer didn’t immediately respond to a call and email seeking comment.
Rietbergen’s partner, Linda de Mol, said in a statement on her website that she split from Rietbergen after the scandal broke and was taking a break from her own television career.
RTL said it contacted the show’s producer ITV Studios, which agreed to “immediately initiate a diligent, independent investigation.” The Dutch broadcaster said that “Participants, employees, everyone must be able to work in complete safety. There is no room for interpretation in this. The priority now is to get the facts on the table.”
ITV Studios said: “Our highest priority is to provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone who participates in — or works on — our shows and ITV Studios has a zero-tolerance policy towards the type of behavior it is said to have taken place.”
The company said its investigation aims to “build a complete picture of what happened” and encouraged victims or witnesses to speak to the investigation.
Dutch singer Anouk said she was quitting as one of the show’s panelists, who first get to know contestants by listening to them “blind” from a swiveling chair facing away from the stage before going on to mentor them.
“I don’t want to work in a place where for years a number of men have abused their position and deliberately chose to keep it quiet and look the other way,” she said in an Instagram video.
The Dutch public broadcast organization NPO also took action as a result of the scandal, sending a letter to public networks urging them to make sure they have sufficient checks for misconduct.
“We treat everyone equally and respectfully,” the organization said Tuesday in a letter to the broadcasters. “Attention is paid to unequal power relationships and dependency relationships, where there may be an increased risk of undesirable transgressive behavior.”
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Voice of Holland Scandal/Innocent until proven guilty/Astrid Essed’s remarks
” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.”
Let’s talk about het RTL programma ”The Voice of Holland”, inmiddels uit de TV Lucht gehaald [1]Let’s talk about de BOOS documentaire van journalist en producentTim Hofman [2]Let’s talk about beschuldigers en echte/vermeende slachtoffersvan ”grensoverschrijdend” sexueel gedrag, varierend van het sturen van ”sexueel getinte”appjes, aanranding, verkrachting, waarbij hetzij meerderjarige vrouwen, hetzij minderjarige meisjes betrokken waren. [3]De namen, die erbij werden genoemd, kennen we ook al en het gaat dus ommannen, die aan het programma ”The Voice of Holland” [4] verbonden waren,als coach of anderszins.Rapper en comedian Ali B, coach, Jeroen Rietbergen, bandleider, zangerMarco Borsato [voormalig coach bij The Voice of Holland] en een tot nu toeanoniem gebleven regisseur bij the Voice of Holland [5]Nou ja….helemaal ”anoniem” is de man ook niet meer, omdat hij zelf een interview heeft afgegeven en kennelijk ”Martijn” heet [6]Als AD dat vermeldt, mag uw bescheiden Bloggertje dat hier ook [hihihi] En nog eens op een rijtje:Jeroen Rietbergen heeft het Boetekleed aangetrokken en geeftde beschuldigingen toe [7], Marco Borsato doet er [bij monde van zijn advocaat]geen uitspraken over [8], Ali B ontkent de beschuldigingen [9] en de onbekenderegisseur [die kennelijk ”Martijn” heet], ontkent eveneens alles [10]Inmiddels liggen alle aangiften/beschuldigingen bij het OM, datde validiteit van de beschuldigingen zal toetsen en zal bepalen,of er vervolging tegen de beschuldigden [of een of meer van hen] zal worden ingesteld. [11]
VERKRACHTING, AANRANDING, GRENSOVERSCHRIJDENDSEXUEEL GEDRAG/DE BEGRIPPEN Maar voordat iedereen [inclusief ondergetekende] alles op een hoopgaat gooien [want de ene beschuldiging is erger dan de andere], eersteen paar Definities:
Over grensoverschrijdend gedrag lees ik op Ensie.nl o.a. ”Grensoverschrijdend gedrag uit zich door handelingen Van een groep of individu, die door een persoon, die deze handelingen Als tegen zich gericht ziet, als vijandig, vernederend of intimideren wordt beschouwd. Het gedrag komt tot uiting in verbaal, fysiek of ander non-verbaal gedrag en het kan gaan om pesten, agressief gedrag, discriminatie en seksuele toenadering of –intimidatie.” [13] Overigens zijn niet alle vormen van sexueel [op Ensie.nl gaat het ook om andere vormen] grensoverschrijdend gedrag strafbaar:Het OM [Openbaar Ministerie] zegt er het volgende over:”Bij positieve seksuele interactie is er sprake van wederzijdse instemming, vrijwilligheid en gelijkwaardigheid. Wanneer er sprake is van ongelijkwaardigheid of bijvoorbeeld van leeftijds- of machtsverschil, spreekt men van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag is een overkoepelend begrip. Niet elke vorm van seksueel overschrijdend gedrag is strafbaar gesteld bij de wet. Wel strafbaar zijn diverse vormen van seksueel geweld, seksueel misbruik of incest. Strafbaar seksueel overschrijdend gedrag, noemen we een zedendelict.” [14] SAMENGEVAT IN ASTRID ESSEDDEFINITIE: Bij Verkrachting is er dus sprakevan het klassieke sexuele contact[met elkaar naar bed gaan], zonderinstemming van de vrouw/[het meisje of de jongen] in kwestie, met geweld. Bij Aanranding komt er geen sexueel verkeer aan te pas, maarkan dat varieren van aanrakingen, ”kusjes geven” en who knows wat voor ander lichamelijk contact, tegen haar/zijn wil. Bij Grensoverschrijdend SexueelGedrag is er sprake van iedersexueel of sexueel getint gedrag [of handeling], waarbij bij de anderepartij een grens wordt overschreden.Verkrachting en Aanranding zijn strafbaar, Grensoverschrijdend Sexueel Gedrag niet altijd.Zie verklaring van het OM [15] ZO:Alles weer op een rijtje En zie onder noot 16 wie precies van wat wordt beschuldigd.
BEEF ASTRID ESSED MET DE REACTIES, VOORAL UIT TV LAND”Onschuldig tot schuld bewezen” Dat tot zoverNet zoals bijna iedereen heeft ondergetekende kennis genomenvan alle Ophef rond The Voice of Holland [17]Net zoals meer dan 7 miljoen mensen heeft ondergetekende gekekennaar de documentaire van Tim Hofman: ”BOOS: This is the Voice [18],die huiveringwekkend genoeg leek. Maar in tegenstelling waarschijnlijk met velen, heeft ondergetekende eenBEEF [19] met vooral al die TV persoonlijkheden met hun geschokte reacties.Misschien niet zozeer omdat meer ervan af wisten, dan ze dedenvoorkomen [hoewel dat op zich al griezelig is, daarvan geef ik strakseen voorbeeld]Maar vooral omdat ze, zonder enig hard bewijs, er al over sprakenALSOF HET HAD PLAATSGEVONDEN, ZOALS VERTELD INDE BOOS DOCUMENTAIRE.Sommigen gingen zelfs zover andere programmamakers, terwijler helemaal geen beschuldigingen tegen hen liepen, ervan tebeschuldigen, ”dat zij zich ook onbetamelijk zouden hebben gedragen”[20]Ja, ik doel hier op de Zaak Albert Verlinde/Humberto Tanen ik denk, dat Humberto Tan terecht tegen Albert Verlindeaangifte heeft gedaan wegens smaad. Erbij gezegd moet worden, dat Tan door veel BN’ers werd gesteund[21]Inmiddels heeft Albert Verlinde spijt betuigd [22]Geen idee, hoe dit gaat aflopen, of Humberto Tan toch de aangiftedoorzet.We gaan het zien. Maar dat terzijdeOndergetekende ergerde zich en ergert zich nog aan het feit,dat er hier gesproken wordt over ”slachtoffers”, die ”leed”zouden hebben ondervonden, zonder dat er nog sprake isgeweest van enig strafrechtelijk onderzoek, laat staaneen uitspraak van de rechter. Daarom ook heb ik een Ingezonden Stuk opgestuurd aan eenaantal kranteredacties om het principe ”Onschuldig totschuld bewezen” nog eens onder de ogen te brengen.. [23]En daarom ook zeer correct dat Tim Hofman inzijn BOOS documentaire bleef spreken over”vermeende slachtoffers” [24]Want….en dat BLIJF ik zeggen:Valse aangiften bestaan nu eenmaal en vrouwen/meisjes,die om hun eigen redenen zaken aandikken of hun verbeeldingwerkelijkheid laten worden, ook. Wat niets gezegd wil hebben over DEZE beschuldigingen in BOOS [25],maar iemand geloven, omdat hij/zij wat zegt, is gevaarlijk.Uiteraard geldt dat ook voor de ontkenningen van de beschuldigden,maar daarover zullen meer mensen het eens zijn. Zo zijn er twee voorbeelden van een valse aangifte, die ondergetekendeonder noot 26 vermeldt, ter leeringe ende vermaeck……And don’t forget fellows:Het doen van valse aangiftes is strafbaar [27]
VAN MARCO BORSATO EN HET JONGE MEISJE Maar ik hamer dus op ”onschuldig tot schuld bewezen [28].hekel de hypocrisie van vele BN’ers, die ”over elkaar struikelenvan de geschoktheid” [29] [terwijl ik bijna zeker weet, dat zij bepaald geenkoorknapen zijn] en voordat er sprake is van enig rechterlijk onderzoeken/of veroordeling al als ratten het zinkende Schip verlaten [30]Op die hypocrisie kom ik terug! Daarnaast echter is er een andere kant, die ook moet wordenbenoemd en gewogen worden. En dan heb ik het over zaken, die ik met eigen waarneming gezien en/ofgelezen heb.En als IK het heb gezien/gelezen als niet ingewijde in dat BN’ers wereldje,dan geldt het voor een groot deel van Nederland. Ik begin bij Marco Borsato, voor wie ik altijd respect heb gehad alsambassadeur bij War Child [31] en van wiens muziek ik houOnder noot 32, twee nummers. Maar dat staat los van de volgende waarneming: MET een groot deel van NederlandTijdens een uitzending van The Voice Kids [waarvan hijgastcoach was] [33], zat Marco Borsato op een opvallend-onsmakelijke manier aan een jong meisjeZie noot 34Nu was DAT al grensoverschrijdend en onsmakelijk,maar erger vond ik nog de enthousiaste reactie van het publiekKijk er maar goed naar [35]Zien jullie iemand protesteren?Waar waren TOEN al die nu zo ”geschokte” BN’ers? DAT bedoel ik nou met hypocrisie…. En waarom gaat men na het zien van de BOOS Uitzending [36] naar verhouding harder opAli B [37], die wordt beschuldigd van grensoverschrijdend gedrag met VOLWASSEN MEISJES/VROUWEN,dan op de ook beschuldigde Marco Borsato, waar sprake zou zijn vangrensoverschrijdend gedrag met MINDERJARIGE MEISJES?Alweer die hypocrisie. Alleen radio dj, TV presentator en kunstenaar Ruud de Wild had een wat genuanceerderstandpunt en huilde niet mee met de wolven.Ik citeer uit De Parnorama ”De radio-dj vindt het vooral verbazingwekkend dat er al conclusies getrokken worden over de schuld van de verdachten zonder dat er strafrechtelijk onderzoek heeft plaatsgevonden. “We kunnen nu de Dam leegruimen en morgen standrechtelijk mensen gaan executeren, want dat is wat we aan het doen zijn. Er is nog geen OM aan te pas gekomen en nog geen politie.” [38]Dat komt aardig overeen met mijn standpunt ”Onschuldig tot schuld bewezen”en een van de weinige gezonde uitingen, die ik van BN’ers heb gelezen en/ofgehoord.
ALI B/WHAT ABOUT LOYALTY, BROTHER ALI? Ook Ali B hou ik tegen het Licht.Waarom? Omdat ik zijn disloyale houding naar zijn vrouw Breghje [Krommers] toe nietkan waarderen:Breghje, die al jaren met Ali B getrouwd is en zijn manager is [39], werderover lastiggevallen, dat zij en Ali B uit elkaar zouden zijn, waarop zijvolgens ”Superguide” opmerkte:”“Ik wil wel bevestigen dat we niet uit elkaar zijn. Voor de rest doe ik geen uitspraken en ook in de toekomst niet” [40] Gezien de druk van de BOOS onthullingen [41] en het feit, dat de ”geschokte” BN’ers met name op Ali B zo hard gaan [42], een loyale en standvastige verklaring.Ook had al eerder SPEC, het artiestenmanagementbureau,waarin zij ook een actieve rol speelt, het volgende verklaard:”‘Er is nog veel onduidelijk, maar een ding is wel duidelijk: Ali heeft nooit misbruik gemaakt van zijn positie en heeft zich nooit seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedragen. We wachten het onderzoek met vertrouwen af” [43]Zij is dus een boegbeeld, ook in zware tijden enin tegenstelling tot Linda de Mol [44], heeft zij haar man niet laten vallen, toen alles zich tegen hem keerde. Is het dan niet bizar, dat Ali B [via zijn advocaat, diedat uiteraard van hem heeft] toegeeft, affaires te hebbengehad, maar dan wel ”met wederzijdse instemming” [45]Hoe mensen hun relatie inkleden en waarmee de respectievelijke partners wel of geen genoegen nemen,is hun eigen zaak.Maar is het niet buitengewoon lomp,aan de hele wereld mee te delen, dat je affaires hebt,terwijl je vrouw steeds achter je bleef staan. Ook nu, in zware tijden?Dat zegt wel iets over het karakter van Ali B en nietin positieve zin! Maar dat betekent nog niet, dat hij een ”trial by media” [46]verdient…..
EPILOOG ”” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.” Dat is artikel 11, Universele Verklaring voor de Rechten van de Mens [47] Deze onschuldpresumptie [48] is in de Nederlandse Wet, in Internationale Verdragen en in Europese Verdragen verankerd.Het is dan ook gek, dat een aantal losgeslagen, ”geschokte” BN’ers dateven zijn vergeten na gekeken te hebben naar documentaireprogramma BOOS. [49]En dat zij over elkaar struikelen om als ratten het zinkendeschip te verlaten. [50] Aan de andere kant onthult The Voice rel ook wel een en anderover the Life and Times van Marco Borsato en hoewel hij nog steedsonschuldig is tot schuld bewezen, laat het filmpje waarbij hijeen jong meisje feitelijk stalkt tijdens the Voice Kids [51] ook weleen beetje zien, wat voor man hij kan zijn, op dat vlak. Niet erg fraai, maar nogmaals:Dat maakt hem nog niet schuldig aan andere aantijgingenEn dat maakt iedereen, die of niet optrad [dat kan ook later],of die hitserig meedeed, althans moreel, medeverantwoordelijk.Ook die BN’ers, die wegkeken en geen stennis schopten [haddenze WEL moeten doen] Maar op tot dusver niet bewezen beweringen uit een Documentaire[BOOS dus], waarbij ook vrouwen naar voren kwamen, dieeen en ander van horen zeggen hadden, gaan onze BN’ers WEL los. Misplaatst, onrechtvaardig en ”het Braafste Kind van de Klas”uithangend. Dit is wat ik hierover wilde zeggen, maar ik blijf de ontwikkelingen volgen. Misschien kom ik er nog op terug [dat zal van de omstandighedenen ontwikkelingen afhangen], maar ik beloof niets! Dat was het, for now….
” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.”
SEXUEEL WANGEDRAG BIJ THE VOICE OF HOLLAND/ONSCHULDIG TOTSCHULD BEWEZEN ” Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.” ARTIKEL 11, UNIVERSELE VERKLARING VAN DE RECHTENVAN DE MENS http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/instree/b1udhr.htm
LEZERS!Hierbij mijn Ingezonden Stuk naar aanleiding van de beschuldigingenvan sexueel overschrijdend gedrag naar vrouwen/meisjes, diehebben deelgenomen aan het programma ”The Voice of Holland”Omdat ik vond en vind, dat de publieke discussie wel erg uitgaatvan de schuld van betrokkenen, voordat er sprake is geweestvan een eventuele rechtszaak, heb ik aan de Bel getrokkenmet een Ingezonden Stuk, dat ik naar een aantal kranten hebopgestuurd.Zie hieronder Zie ook de documentaire van het programma ”Boos”,waarin een aantal vrouwen/meisjes beschuldigingen uitrichting Marco Borsato, Ali B, Jeroen Rietbergen eneen anonieme regisseurAlle ”beschuldigden” zijn of waren verbonden aan RTL,voordat het programma werd stilgelegd vanwege deze beschuldigingen https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_voice_of_Holland
Hieronder mijn Ingezonden Stuk En daaronder achtergrondinformatie overThe Voice of Holland-Gatetoegestuurd
Ingezonden Stuk Geachte Redactie Meer dan 7 miljoen mensen, waaronder ondergetekende, hebben recentelijk op Youtube gekeken naar het programma ”BOOS” waarin vrouwen aanhet woord kwamen, die de aan RTL programma The Voice verbonden bandleiderJeroen Rietbergen, rapper Ali B [coach bij The Voice], zanger Marco Borsato, voormalig coach bij the Voice en een anonieme regisseur beschuldigden van sexueel wangedrag, varierendvan het zenden van sexueel getinte appjes, tot aanranding en/of verkrachting.Jeroen Rietbergen heeft dit inmiddels publiekelijk toegegeven, Marco Borsato heeft er geen mededelingen over gedaan, Ali B ontkent, evenals de genoemderegisseur.Er is aangifte gedaan tegen Ali B, Jeroen Rietbergen en de betreffende regisseur.Tegen Marco Borsato was al eerder in een ander verband aangifte gedaan vanwegesexueel wangedrag [wat niet betekent, dat hij in deze zaak schuldig zou zijn].Inmiddels heeft het OM [dat gaat bepalen of de beschuldigdenvervolgd worden] de zaak in onderzoek.Het filmpje was vrij confronterend en er is dan ook-terecht- alom verontwaardiging.Toch vind ik hierbij een waarschuwing op zijn plaats.Want het gevaar is, dat de verontwaardiging doorslaat en dat de publieke opinie, alsmede TV persoonlijkheden, doen, alsof reeds iskomen vast te staan, dat het ookdaadwerkelijk zo gebeurd is, zonder het OM onderzoek en/of een eventuelerechtszaak af te wachten.Want tot nu toe is slechts sprake van een aantal beweringen doormogelijke slachtoffers, bewijzen zijn nog niet geleverd, wat aan de rechter is.Vandaar dat ik de publieke opinie oproep om niet te vergeten,’dat in een rechtsstaat geldt: ”Onschuldig tot schuld bewezen”Ook noem ik hier de ongemakkelijke waarheid, dat valse aangiftes nueenmaal voorkomen, zeker als het bekende mensen betreft.Daarom is het van belang, dat de zaken nu bij het OM liggen,waar een evenwichtige afweging gemaakt kan worden.Daar hebben de echte of vermeende slachtoffers recht op.Daar hebben de beschuldigden en misschien verdachtenrecht op.Bij een heksenjacht is niemand gebaat. Astrid EssedAmsterdam
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Daphne Bunskoek grapt over slavernij en Zwarte Piet/Racisme en vergoeilijking misdaad tegen de menselijkheid/Brief aan Daphne Bunskoek, presentratrice RTL programma ”Volgende Week”