Tag archieven: Hamas

Herdenking Kristallnacht 2023/Tweets Astrid Essed/De Holocaust was een Europese Misdaad!

Shattered storefront of a Jewish-owned shop destroyed during Kristallnacht (the "Night of Broken Glass").





Op 9 november 2023 is dan weer  de Jaarlijkse Herdenking van de nazi Jodenpogrom de Kristallnacht [1]


En voor de Goede Orde:

Dit vind ik van levensbelang

Wie mijn website goed gelezen heeft weet, hoe ik over anti-semitisme en

alle andere vormen van racisme en uitsluiting denk [2]

Daaronder valt ook het Israelische regime van apartheid, niet door

de minsten [Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch en de Israelische mensenrechtenorganisatie B”tselem] zo genoemd en terecht!! [3]

Dat laat maar weer zien, dat racisme niets met specifieke groepen of

volkeren te maken heeft.

Er is anti zwart racisme, anti-wit racisme en dat laatste toont aan, dat

ook gediscrimineerde volkeren en groepen [hier dus zwarte mensen]

racistisch en uitsluitend naar anderen kunnen zijn en ook zijn.

Neem als voorbeeld de etnische zuiveringen van de Afrikaanse

dictator Idi Amin tav de Indiase minderheidsbevolking, die

in Oeganda woonde [4]

Ook dat is racisme, etnische zuivering, hier dus anti-Aziatisch racisme.

En neem dus Israel, dat als ”Joodse Staat”, Palestijnen discrimineeert

en een politiek van apartheid jegens hen voert in de Bezette Gebieden. [5]

Het feit dus, dat je zelf onderdrukt geweest bent of [eeuwenlang] vervolgd,

betekent niet, dat jij niet kunt discrimineren en uitsluiten.


Als Baken tegen antisemitisme en rassenwaan een Herdenking, die wat mij

betreft blijvend is.

Helaas echter wordt deze Herdenking door bepaalde lieden aangewend,

om impliciet Israel te verdedigen en Palestijnse organisaties, hier Hamas,

op een lijn te stellen met het nazi anti-semitisme, dat destijds in Europa

de Joden vervolgde, met alle desastreuze gevolgen van dien.

Daarvoor geef ik geen noot, dat weet iedereen

Welnu om op een dezer lieden terug te komen, hoogleraar Joodse

Studies, Bart Wallet, heeft het volgende opgemerkt:

””De Kristallnacht was onderdeel van de strategie van de nazi’s om Joden uit te sluiten uit de samenleving, hen angst aan te jagen en hen te isoleren van de rest van de bevolking. Herinneringen aan pogroms zoals tijdens de Kristallnacht zijn door de aanval van Hamas op de Joodse dorpen in Zuid-Israël op 7 oktober weer naar boven gekomen.” [6]

Hoe durft deze Vent?Eeuwenoud anti semitisme is vooral een EUROPESE ziekte, hetzijn witte Europeanen, die eeuwenlang Joden hebben vervolgd,Europese koningen, die Joden uit hun Koninkrijken hebben verdreven [7], witte Europese nazi’s die Jodenhaat hebben gepromoot, een politiek en militair demonisch Systeem hebbenuitgevoerd, dat heeft geleid tot de Holocaust.DAAR WAS GEEN ARABIER, GEEN AFRIKAAN, GEENANDER VOLK VAN KLEUR BIJ.EEN PUUR EUROPESE MISDAAD!En deze meneer Wallage [en met hem meer] maakt een dergelijkeen meer opmerkingen met maar een Doel:Israel, dat een Bezettings en Uithongeringsstaat is [8], die drukbezig is heel Gaza plat te bombarderen [9] 

uit de Wind te houden en Hamas, dat alsPalestijnse verzetsorganisatie het recht heeft, zich te verzettentegen de Israelische bezettingsterreur [10 te criminaliserenals anti-semitisch! [11]En natuurlijk keur ik de gruwelijke Hamas aanval van 7 october af [12], omdat Hamas zich in zijn gelegitimeerde gewapendeverzet [13] volgens het Humanitair Oorlogsrecht alleenmag richten op combatanten [militaire doelenen militairen]
En als er sprake is van echt anti-semitisme in Nederland[of elders] vanwege het Israelisch-Palestijnse conflict [14] [om hetmaar even zo te noemen, in werkelijkheid is het gewoonde strijd tegen de Israelische bezetter!] [15], dan ben ikde eerste om daartegen op te komen.
Maar het associeren van de terechte Kristallnacht herdenkingmet het schoonpraten van de Israelische Bezettings en Uithongeringsterreur is niet alleen walgelijk, maar ookhistorisch abominabel en triest.Of zijn dergelijke lieden vergeten, dat procentueel gezien demeeste Joden uit Nederland zijn weggevoerd gedurendede Tweede Wereldoorlog [16]Dat in Europa vervolgde Joden een veilig heenkomenvonden in het Ottomaanse Rijk? [17]Echt anti-semitisme en vervolging stak eerst inde 19e Eeuw de kop op! [18]
En tegen dat soort lieden zeg ik LOUD AND CLEAR
In die Geest heb ik over de Kristallnachtherdenking getweetop AT5,NOS,NCAB en RTL Nieuws.En ook al verwijderen ze mijn Tweets [daarop rekenik min of meer], de GESCHIEDENIS kunnen zijniet verwijderen.Noch herschrijven!
NOTEN 1 T/M 11

NOTEN 12 T/M 15


NOTEN 17 EN 18







RTL Nieuws


Herdenking Kristallnacht onder hoogspanning: ‘Maar wij laten ons niet wegjagen’

Translate post


1:17 PM · Nov 9, 2023






Astrid Essed




PRO ISRAEL AANHANGERS ONDER U/REMEMBER, DE HOLOCAUST WAS EEN EUROPESE MISDAAD/ARABIEREN, AFRIKANEN EN ANDERE MENSEN VAN KLEUR HADDEN ER PART NOCH DEEL AAN! https://astridessed.nl/from-the-river-to-the-sea-palestine-will-be-free-over-anti-zionisme-en-antisemitisme-pro-israel-aanhangers-de-holocaust-is-een-europese-misdaad-arabieren-afrikanen-en-andere-mensen-van-kleur-hadd/… https://astridessed.weebly.com/blog/from-the-



See new posts


Vandaag herdenken we de Kristallnacht, voorbode van de Holocaust. Tijdens deze pogrom in de nacht van 9 op 10 november 1938 werden overal in Duitsland Joden aangevallen, hun huizen en winkels vernield en geplunderd. Een deel van de bevolking deed mee of keek weg. Bijna niemand greep in. Laten we vandaag allemaal de Kristallnacht herdenken, welke achtergrond je ook hebt. Als tegengif tegen de huidige tweespalt in de samenleving. Als oproep tegen antisemitisme en uitsluiting.

Translate post


9:23 AM · Nov 9, 2023







Astrid Essed




PRO ISRAEL AANHANGERS ONDER U/REMEMBER, DE HOLOCAUST WAS EEN EUROPESE MISDAAD/ARABIEREN, AFRIKANEN EN ANDERE MENSEN VAN KLEUR HADDEN ER PART NOCH DEEL AAN! https://astridessed.nl/from-the-river-to-the-sea-palestine-will-be-free-over-anti-zionisme-en-antisemitisme-pro-israel-aanhangers-de-holocaust-is-een-europese-misdaad-arabieren-afrikanen-en-andere-mensen-van-kleur-hadd/… https://astridessed.weebly.com/blog/from-the-river-to-the-sea-palestine-will-be-freeover-anti-zionisme-en-antisemitismepro-israel-aanhangers-de-holocaust-is-een-europese-misdaadarabieren-afrikanen-en-andere-mensen-van-kleur-hadden-er-part-noch-deel-aan



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Herdenking Kristallnacht extra beladen door oorlog: ‘Nog nooit zoveel aanmeldingen’

Translate post


7:40 AM · Nov 9, 2023







Astrid Essed




PRO ISRAEL AANHANGERS ONDER U/REMEMBER, DE HOLOCAUST WAS EEN EUROPESE MISDAAD/ARABIEREN, AFRIKANEN EN ANDERE MENSEN VAN KLEUR HADDEN ER PART NOCH DEEL AAN! https://astridessed.nl/from-the-river-to-the-sea-palestine-will-be-free-over-anti-zionisme-en-antisemitisme-pro-israel-aanhangers-de-holocaust-is-een-europese-misdaad-arabieren-afrikanen-en-andere-mensen-van-kleur-hadd/… https://astridessed.weebly.com/blog/from-the-



See new posts




Beladen herdenking Kristallnacht in Portugese Synagoge


11:00 PM · Nov 9, 2023




Astrid Essed

Astrid Essed




PRO ISRAEL AANHANGERS ONDER U/REMEMBER, DE HOLOCAUST WAS EEN EUROPESE MISDAAD/ARABIEREN, AFRIKANEN EN ANDERE MENSEN VAN KLEUR HADDEN ER PART NOCH DEEL AAN! https://astridessed.nl/mail-astrid-essed-dd-2-november-2023-over-de-aanbiedingsverkoop-van-avocados-uit-israel-in-de-folder-van-29-october-t-m-4-november/… https://astridessed.weebly.com/blog/from-the-



Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Herdenking Kristallnacht 2023/Tweets Astrid Essed/De Holocaust was een Europese Misdaad!

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Astrid Essed stelt VOMAR opnieuw aan de kaak over de gecontinueerde verkoop van avocado’s uit Israel/VOMAR, hoe lang blijft u Bezettings en Uithongeringsstaat Israel nog steunen?

Vomar folder



Directie en Management


Uw aanbiedingsverkoop van avocado’s uit bezettingsstaat Israel

De walrus sprak:

De tijd is daar
Om over allerlei te praten”

Een schoen, een schip, een kandelaar,

Of koningen ook liegen

En of de zee soms koken kan

En een biggetje kan vliegen.
Uit het Engels vertaald uit:





MENSEN DRINKEN BRAK WATER!!!!!” en wat daaronder staat.

Geachte Directie

Geacht Management,

Zoals u zich wellicht kunt herinneren, heb ik u in de loop

der Tijden een aantal keren bestookt met mailbrieven met de

eis, geen producten uit Israel meer te verkopen! 

Mijn laatste mail aan u dateert van 23 april 2023!

Zie noot 1

Meestal ging dat om [tenminste, dat heb ik bij een bezoek

aan uw filiaal in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost geconstateerd] om mango’s

en/of avocado’s, die in de aanbieding waren [2]

Nu dacht ik eerlijk gezegd, dat u uw Leven gebeterd had, omdat ik

na mijn Brandmail van 23 april jongstleden [3], althans in uw

filiaal Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, geen avocado’s uit Israel meer

gezien had.

”YES!”, dacht ik

Eindelijk is de boodschap bij VOMAR aangekomen [hopelijk ben

ik namelijk niet de enige, die u hierover heeft aangeschreven] en

beseft de VOMAR, dat zij met de verkoop van producten uit Bezettings

en Apartheidsstaat Israel [4] moreel medeverantwoordelijk is

voor diens wandaden en bloed aan haar handen heeft.

Wie schetst mijn Woede en Verbazing toen ik gisteren [dd woensdag

1 november 2023] bij een bezoek aan weer uw filiaal Amsterdam

Zuid-Oost constateerde, dat u het heeft bestaan om in uw aanbiedingen

folder van 29 october tot 4 november [5] avocado’s in de aanbieding had

[en op dit moment van schrijven dus nog heeft] : twee pakken voor 4 euro en WEER afkomstig uit Israel!!

Ik had al een pakje gepakt [avocado’s zijn voor mij een delicatesse] en

toen ik zag, dat zij uit Israel kwamen, vol walging weer teruggezet.

Ik zeg het u eerlijk:

Als het geen voedsel was geweest maar een ander product, had ik het

op de grond gesmeten!!

Want dat u geen gehoor gegeven hebt aan mijn eis/oproep [en waarschijnlijk ook van anderen] om uw verkoop van Israelische

producten te staken [6] is Een Ding.

Dat u het Lef hebt om juist op dit dramatische Moment

van de Geschiedenis door te gaan, met droge ogen, Israelische

producten te verkopen, is ronduit schokkend


Moet ik het u nog uitleggen?

Dat ga ik wel doen, al is het meer dan weerzinwekkend, dat het nog nodig is, sinds het feit, dat Israel een bezettings en apartheidsstaat is, die zich in

de loop der jaren heeft schuldig gemaakt aan onderdrukking, foltering,

administratieve detentie en apartheid [7] al genoeg zou moeten zijn.

Blijkbaar niet voor u!


Sinds de verwerpelijke en bloedige 7 october aanval van

Palestijnse verzetsbeweging Hamas [8] heeft Bezettingsstaat Israel als reactie Gaza gebombardeerd [wat trouwens nog steeds doorgaat], waarbij


niet alleen Witte fosfor is gebruikt [kijk maar goed wat

Human Rights Watch daarover meldt, noot 9] maar ook geen enkel onderscheid is gemaakt tussen combatanten [militairen

en strijders] en non combatanten [burgers] [10], wat tot duizenden burgerslachtoffers

geleid heeft 

Meer dan 7000, volgens de Israelische mensenrechtenorganisatie

Btselem! [11]

En dat was een Btselem bericht van 27 october! [12]

Ondertussen zijn er veel meer doden bijgekomen, vooral ook

in vluchtelingenkamp Jabalia! [13]

Helaas zijn wij met deze Praktijken bij Israelische militaire

invallen in Gaza bekend [14]

Willekeurige militaire aanvallen, een groot aantal burgerdoden [15]



Maar wat dit alles hier nog monsterachtiger maakt is, dat het hier niet

bij blijft! 

Want wat Israel ook heeft gedaan als reactie op de7 october Hamas aanval is een totale Blokkade van Gaza instellen, wat betekent, dat de

burgerbevolking geen gas, water, brandstof en medicijnen ontvangt! [16]

Moet ik uitleggen, dat dit monsterachtig is.

Moet ik uitleggen, dat dit kwaadaardig  is?

Moet ik uitleggen, dat dit als ”collectieve straf” internationaalrechtelijk

verboden is? [17]

Dat uithongering van een burgerbevolking een oorlogsmisdaad is?


Weet u, dat Gazanen wegens gebrek aan water BRAK WATER drinken

[19], wat natuurijk levensgevaarlijk is?


Meer hoef ik er niet aan toe te voegen.

U verkoopt nog steeds, ondanks talloze opropoen,

dat niet te doen [20] producten uit een Staat, die sinds 1967 de

Palestijnse gebieden bezet, onderdrukt, zich schuldig maakt

aan foltering, administratieve detentie, landdiefstal via illegale

nederzettingen, apartheid.

En nu wordt de burgerbevolking in Gaza uitgehongerd, van toegang tot water, electriciteit, medicijnen en voedsel afgesneden, mensen

drinken brak water [21] en u hebt het Lef, nog steeds Israelische

producten te verkopen.

Walgelijk vind ik het en ik maak het overal bekend, daarop

kunt u rekenen, digitaal en anderszins.

Stop er dus direct mee, als u niet medeplichtig wilt

zijn aan het faciliteren van Bezettings en Uithongeringsstaat Israel.


Vriendelijke groeten

Astrid Essed






1 T/M 4







NOTEN 12 EN 13


NOTEN 15 T/M 19

NOTEN 20 EN 21

Noten 20 en 21/Astrid Essed pakt VOMAR | Astrid Essed

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Astrid Essed stelt VOMAR opnieuw aan de kaak over de gecontinueerde verkoop van avocado’s uit Israel/VOMAR, hoe lang blijft u Bezettings en Uithongeringsstaat Israel nog steunen?

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Standard [newspaper from Gambia]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>



Tue, Oct 24 at 10:55 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 4000 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Standard [newspaper from Gambia]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Express Tribune [newspaper from Pakistan]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>


Tue, Oct 24 at 10:35 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 4000 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Express Tribune [newspaper from Pakistan]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Irish Independent/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>


Tue, Oct 24 at 10:20 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 4000 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Irish Independent/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail/Letter to the Editor to Al Ahram Weekly [Egyptian newspaper]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>


Tue, Oct 24 at 9:54 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 4000 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to Al Ahram Weekly [Egyptian newspaper]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Star [Malaysian newspaper]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>


Tue, Oct 24 at 9:30 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 4000 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to The Star [Malaysian newspaper]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

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Published by the Ghana Report.com!/My Letter to the Editor/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation




20 OCTOBER 2023


Hamas Attack On Israel, The Right To Rise Up Against The Israeli Occupation

The 7 October 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, surprised me, like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians were killed [according to Israeli authorities at least 1200] or abducted and at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a Festival near Kibbutz Re”im.

Of course, this deserves strong condemnation since targeting civilians is not only inhumane but prohibited by International Humanitarian Law, declaring a clear distinction between combatants [soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians, who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli
victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because of the almost hysterical “we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from the Western World [USA, EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocritical.
It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support for Israel as a State and that is, to say it is mildly, controversial.

Because of the bloody 7 October Hamas attack and subsequent abduction operation diverted the attention from the important fact, that since 1967 Israel has been the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still
occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only did Israel refuse to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], but there is a decennia-long brutal oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,
bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands of civilian victims, the building [since the end of the sixties] of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial execution, apartheid, etc., etc.

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanctions against the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation and oppression.

According to International Law, every person has the right to rise up against an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in its right in this regard, but of course according to International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing.

Gaza for a whole week, with more than 2200 deaths, denying the Gazan population water, medicines, fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Story By Astrid Essed

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Published by the Ghana Report.com!/My Letter to the Editor/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

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Mail/Letter to the Editor to Wafa News Agency [Palestinian newscentre]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>


Mon, Oct 23 at 3:23 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 2200 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to Wafa News Agency [Palestinian newscentre]/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail/Letter to the Editor to the Palestinian Chronicle/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

Gratis foto vlag van palestina

Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Palestinian occupation

Astrid Essed <astridessed@yahoo.com>


Mon, Oct 23 at 3:08 PM

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

The 7 october 2023 surprise attack of Hamas on the South of Israel

with thousands of rockets codenamed ”Al-Aqsa Flood”, suprised me,

like doubtless many others, but I was not completely taken aback.

It was a bloody attack in which a great number of Israeli civilians

were killed [according to Israeli autorities at least 1200] or abducted and

at least 260 people were killed by the Hamas attack on a

Festival near kibbutz Re”im.

Of course this deserves strong condemnation, since targetting

civilians is not only inhumane, but prohibited by International

Humanitarian Law, declaring clear distinction between combatants

[soldiers and fighters, who are legitimate targets] and non-combatants [civilians,

who must be protected]

So I understand the common [especially Western] sympathy with the Israeli

victims, because I share the feeling.

But there my understanding stops.

Because the almost hysterical ”we stand with Israel” reactions, especially from

the Western World [USA,EU], completely with Israeli flags hanging from their

official buildings [luckily not in Scotland!] is not only hypocrite.

It is disgusting!

Disgusting, because it implies support to Israel as a State and that is, to say

it mildly, controversial.

Because the bloody 7 october Hamas attack and subsequent abduction-operation divert the attention of the important fact, that since 1967 Israel

is the occupying power in the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem and Gaza [still

occupied according to International Law since Israel controls the Gaza borders, airspace and territorial waters]

Not only Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories

despite UN Security Resolution 242 [1967], there is a decennialong brutal

oppression, Israel is guilty of torture of prisoners, administrative detention,

bloody military attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, with as macabre result thousands and thousands civilian victims, the building [since end of the sixties]

of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory [land theft!], extrajudicial

execution, apartheid, etc, etc

En despite this brutal occupation the EU never took any sanction against

the State of Israel, which made them complicit in the Israeli occupation

and oppression.

According to International Law every people has the right to rise up against

an occupation, which includes armed resistance.

So Hamas, as any other Palestinian organisation, is in his right 

in this regard, but of course according International Humanitarian Law

Hamas must refrain from attacks on civilians.

By the way, I wonder whether the EU will also condemn Israel, which right

now launches a bloody attack in Gaza by bombing

Gaza for already two weeks, with more than 2200 deaths, as denying the Gazan population water, medicines,

fuel and food supplies, in the same strong terms as it condemned Hamas.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail/Letter to the Editor to the Palestinian Chronicle/Hamas attack on Israel/The Right to rise up against the Israeli occupation

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