[At the 15th july 2021 crime reporter Peter R de Vries died, after beenshot in the streets of Amsterdam on 6th july. [2]I honor him, because he was far more than just a crime reporter and an investigator of criminal cold cases, but also a defender of the rights of unheard, like refugees and minorities.Therefore my hommageMay he rest in peace]
Peter R de Vries, the fearless crimefighter and advocate for the rights of the unheard, reminds me of a fictional character of oneof my favourite films ”Legends of the Fall” [3], colonel William Ludlow, whomoves his family to a ranch in Montana out of indignation and dissatisfactionwith the treatment of the American government against the native Americans . [4]In my terms:He fled for aggressive racist white Supremacy”In his terms:,”Losing the madness” [5]By the way:A must see film for you, readers! [6] Fearless and lovers of justice they both shared, fictional ColonelLudlow and crimefighter Peter R de VriesThe one retreated [as was the best thing he could do inpre WO I White supremacist America] and founded his Paradisein Montana, the other fought [as was the best thing to do innowadays the Netherlands]
So like Colonel Ludlow, Peter R de Vries was fearless and obsessed with justice, investigating cold cases [7] and what says more:Achieving great results! [8]
FEARLESS Fearless he was, his motto was:”On bended knee it’s no way to be free” [9] He was also tenacious, never gave up. [10] I don’t have to mention all his successes;Look at his Wikipedia! [11]His last effort was his assistence of the crown witness, Nabil B [12]in the Marengo process, the greatest drug trial in the history of the Netherlands [13]Perhaps that involvement costed him his life, as the Public Prosecuter’s Officethinks is ”more likely” [but nothing is sure, yet, all optionsare still open] [14] ADVOCATE FOR THE UNHEARD Although I admired Peter R de Vries for his great involvement in solvingcold cases and his support for the families of the victims [15], that’s notthe first reason I write this tribute to him. My reason is, that he was not only a dedicated crime fighter, but alsoan advocate of the rights of the unheard and victims of stogmatizationand discrimination.
HIS FIGHT AGAINST PVV LEADER G WILDERS Peter R de Vries was a fervent opponent of fascist PVV leader G Wilders [17]In his diary, he wrote ”Ik vind Geert W. zelf een gevaarlijk man, een demagoog met de potentievan een volksmenner.” [Translated in English: I think Geert W is a dangerous man, a demagogue with the potention of a people’s agitator” [18]
For his contribution to the fight against racism and IslamophobiaI sent Peter R de Vries an appreciation-mail [19]The price he paid for his Wilders criticism was a great number ofhatemails [20]I wonder how many of those people, wholay flowers at the place he was shot [21], were among those haters……
CHAMPION FOR THE RIGHTS OF REFUGEES But Peter R de Vries did more:In a time and on a moment, that there was much resistanceagainst the coming of Syrian refugees to the Netherlands, who hadfled the war in Syria [22], Peter R de Vries stood firm for the refugee rights, he wrote this statement:”Respect and admiration for the refugees! [23]I quote from this statement among else:”Sometimes it seems that in public debate about the refugees it is no longer about people, but only about numbers, percentages, quotas and files. Often the refugee issue is discussed in a detached and intolerant tone of voice; like asylum seekers and refugees are profiteers who are here to seek fortune”AND”It has always amazed me how easily and lightly people condemn refugees about leaving their homeland; like it is a tempting challenge to build a new life in another country, with an incomprehensible language, different culture and a harsh climate. Like people just do that for fun…!”AND”And that is why I would like to emphasize that I have the upmost respect and admiration for those who have abandoned their homes in desperation for doom and disaster and are trying, with great difficulty, to build up a new life in a foreign country. In my opinion they should never have to hide or be ashamed; they can be proud, with their heads held high, because what they have achieved, what they have defied and what they have sacrificed more than most of us would dare or could bear. That is something we should be more aware off…” [24]
True and impressive words and again I sent him a appreciation-mail! [25] STATELESS REFUGEES But apart from writing, Peter R de Vries came in action!He helped a group of ”General Pardonners”, who were allowedto remain in the Netherlands, but yet didn’t become a passport,which made them ”stateless”By his effort [and of course from others] [26], State Secretary Ankie Broekers-Knol of Asylum Affairs made it possible that ten thousand so-called general pardonners can still get a passport. [27]One of the ten thousand stateless General Pardonners,Yosef Tekeste-Yemane, [who turned to de Vries about this humanitarian question] remarked:[comment after the shooting of Peter R de Vries]:”I hope he will still get what he has achieved.” [28] He also remarked:””He saw the injustice and got caught up in it, he was determined to help us and hoped the media would warm to this.” [29] And it worked!
EPILOGUE In his own way, Peter R de Vries made a great contribution inthe fight against injustice..Not only because of the fearless and tenacious way, he fought as a crime reporter [30], but for what he did for refugees.In the fight against racism, prejudices and Islamophobia. Therefore for me, he is a great man.I will not forget him! May he rest in peace. Astrid Essed NOTES Notes 1 t/m 20 https://www.astridessed.nl/notes-1-t-m-20-at-tribute-to-peter-r-de-vries/
This year, Sinterklaas’ arrival on November 17 was greeted by protests against Black Pete in 18 cities across the Netherlands [Eva Plevier/[Reuters]https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/zwarte-piet-black-pete-dutch-racism-full-display-181127153936872.htmlBLACKFACE BLACK PETE IS A RACIST TRADITION, THAT HASTO GO AND IS ALREADY ON THE RUNUN HAS CONDEMNED IT, DUTCH SHOP KEEPERS ARE REPLACINGHIM BY OTHER COLOUR PETES AND MANY SCHOOLS HAVESAID GOODBYE TO BLACKFACE!
May the fight against Black Pete racism continue!And thanks to all who contribute to this fight! Astrid Essed
THE DUTCH RACIST BLACKFACE TRADITION/GOODBYE TOZWARTE PIET [BLACK PETE]/DANGER OF FASCISMThis is a longread about a racist caricature and the threat of fascismin the NetherlandsWarning:The American ”Father Christmas” Santa Claus and the Dutch”Sinterklaas are two different Fairy Tale Figures, although Santa Clausis derived from the Medieval Dutch ”Sinterlklaas”So the Dutch Feast of ”Sinterklaaas” [5 december] is not Christmas Feast!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_NicholasINTRODUCTIONPART I/BLACK PETEPART II/THE FACE OF FASCISMINTRODUCTIONDear Readers,How would you react, when you saw, in nowadays 21st century, a steamboat, navigatingon sea, river or channel, throwing its anchour, and an old, solemn white man with abeard and a mitre, a Bishop, holding his Entrance [”Intocht”in Dutch] in the city or village with as his servant a black guy in an old fashionedMoorish costume, speaking with an odd accent, with a strangelooking Afro hairpiece, big fat red lips, strange golden [slave like] earrlngs, running around, screaming, kicking, oddly laughinhand for the rest looking very stupid?You guess already?It’s the Dutch Sinterklaas [Dutch for Saint Nicholas] Feast and it isyearly enjoyed at 5 december.Several weeks before, there is the Entrance or Arrival [In Dutch:Intocht] of Sinterklaas, a National Sinterklaas Intocht [Entrance] andlocal Entrances.I hope, that you’ll be embarassed and indignant, recognizing a caricatureof black people?Then we are talking business…..Because not only this ”Zwarte Piet” [Dutch for Black Pete] [1]is an embarrasment, he is, of course, not really black, but a black paintedfigure, like the former American ”Blackface” in movies…..[2]I refer to the annual Dutch Sinterklaas Feast [Dutch for Saint Nicholas], at5 december.Several weeks before, there is the Entrance or Arrival [In Dutch:Intocht] of Sinterklaas, a National Sinterklaas Intocht [Entrance] andlocal Intochten [Entrances].YOU GUESS ALREADY WHAT POINT I WANT TO MAKE:Today I want to talk with you about ”Zwarte Piet”a not so nice Fairy Tale Creature, who happens [and for my concern:”happened”] to be the black helper of ”Sinterklaas” orSt Nicolaas [Saint Nicholas] [3], whocomes from Spain each year, giving the children presents andsweet candies, at least, when they are obedient……[4].When they are naughty, they get nothing……Traditionally, naughty children are being ”punished” by ”Zwarte Piet”[from now on for my English readers ”Black Pete], getting no presentsat all, but are being put in a sack and been brought to Spain.HAHAHA, that’s the tradition, which could be nice, isn’t it?Were it not, that that whole ”Black Pete” figure stems from a racist traditionfrom the 19th century, the century of slavery, racist supremacist theoriesand fanatical colonialism.PART IBLACK PETEBACKGROUND/ORIGINS OF THE RACIST BLACK PETE”Blackface” Black Pete [Zwarte Piet] at first appeared in 1850 in a book bythe Dutch teacher J. Schenkman, titled ”Sint Nikolaas en zijn Knecht” (“Saint Nicholas and his Servant”), [5], but there are signs that Black Peteoperated earlier in the 19th century and was called ”Pietermanknecht”(Dutch for Pete my Servant] [6]Be as it may:Crucial to the story is, that Black Pete was depicted asblack, which meant in the 19th century racist times:Inferior.A servant of the white man [woman]And that was the main problem with the Blackface tradition:Picturing black as inferior didn’t originate out of nothing:It stemmed from the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade andthe 17th, 18th, 19th slavery in the America’sRacism developed and reached its absolute lowest pointin the 19th century, when slavery, fanatical colonialismthe great West European colonial Empires originated from the 19th century]and race supremacy theories from ”white over black”developed.Against this background black meant”inferior ”race”, a servant, ridiculous, stupid and also aggressive,because ”Black Pete” was putting naughty children in a bag, draggingthem to Spaionm, where ”Sinterklaas” and Black Pete came from.Black Pete was dressed ridiculously:In a so called ”Moorish costume” ,which was mainly based onthe paintings of white masters in the Netherlands,picturing themselves with servants or slaves dressedin Moorish clothes, [see the photo’s in my article].So imaging Black Pete like that, symbols, seen in the lightof slavery, a subordinate role. Inferiority of ”race”And Black Pete not only was dressed in that costume in the 19th century, but sticked to it untill now, 2018, the 21st century!This is no innocent folklore, but downright racism, because throughthe 19th century and a great deal of the 20th century, Black Pete remained”funny”, ”stupid”, ”agressive” and most of all:A servant.Moreover it stroked, that Black Pete spoke with a strangeSurinamese like accent [but not real Surinamese: Suriname orDutch Guyana is an ex colony of the Netherlands with ahistory of slavery and it lies in South America, north of Brasil][7]While ”Sinterklaas” spoke the Dutch language correctly from themoment he first came from Spain and set footin the Netherlands with his steamboat!In a colonial and later post colonial society, which had developedinstitutional racism [8] the Figure of Black Pete helped to confirma negative inmage of black people in general, consciously or, andthat’s worse, subconsciously. [9]Admitted, during the second half of the 20th century and nowadays,the strange accent with which Zwarte Piet spoke [in contrary with Sinterklaas] is gone, but the other strereotypes, slave earrings,fat red lips, a strange Afro hair piece, stupid behaviour and especiallythe black skin of course, still remain.Blackface/GolliwogSimilarities with the racist caricature of Black Pete wereGolliwog [in Great Britain] [10] and in the USA, Black Face charactersin theatres and films [11], both also originated in the 19th century [12]Although Golliwogs and Blackface stereotypes have not completelydisapeared, they are on their retour and at least most modernpeople acknowledge the racist character and peopole maintainingGolliwog or Blackface are being pointed as backward and racist.[13]In the Netherlands however, anti Black Pete protests still cause a storm.More about that in a minute.But first about the sillty arguments of the Black Pete defenders:BLACK PETE DEFENDERS:ABLACK PETE WAS NOT AN INVENTIONOF JAN SCHENKMAN, HE ALREADY WAS A COMPANION OF SINTERKLAAS MEDIEVAL TIMESNow some defenders of Blackface Zwarte Piet go out of their way to prove, thatSinterklaas also in the Medieval Netherlands was accompanied by black men, or black ghosts, or whatsoever. [14]Maybe, maybe notOpinions differ [15]But so what, if he already existed in the Middle Ages!The point is not, whether before the 19th century there was[perhaps] a black companion of Sinterklaas.Point is the RACIST CARICATURE Black Pete has become fromthe 19th century untill now!And that’s the reason of the protests, not whether there was some black ghostor companion in the Middle Ages.Because to put things clear:The concept of ”race”, especially the black race inferior to the”white race” is an invention from the 17th century, the periodof transatlantic slavery and slavery in the America’s [16]The horror period of slavery in the America’s, which lastedat least 300 years, provided the patterns of black ”inferiority”So Black Pete was a product from that background:Black Pete being subordinate to the white Sinterklaas andBlack Pete being stupid and inferior because of hisblackness.BLACK PETE DEFENDERSBBLACK PETE IS BLACK, COMING FROM THE CHIMNEYBlack Pete defenders argue, that there is nothing stereotype orracist to the Figure Black Pete, sincwe his blackness stems fromcoming out of the chimney. [17]Now that may be the explanation for the [possible] black companionsof Sinterklaas in the Middle Ages in different European countries [18],but, again, that was in the Middle Ages and has nothing to do withthe racist caricature of the 19th century Black Pete.And it is utter nonsense to allege, that the nowadays racistcaricature became ”black”, coming from the chimney.Or does ”coming out of the chimney” means, that someonegets an Afro hairpiece, silly golden earrings, fat lips, a Moorishdress and and all black skin?It would have been more convincing, when such a figure hadtraces of soot in his face, as the way opposers of theracist Black Pete caricature want to reform the character now.In the socalled ”roetveegpieten” [in English ”soot faced Petes”, seeone of the photo’s at the article]CONSEQUENCES OF BLACK PETE RACISMDISCRIMINATION AND TEASINGBlack Pete defenders always refer to the traditionSinterklaas/Zwarte Piet [Black Pete] as a Feastfor Children.But nothing is less true:Because during Sinterklaas time, black childrenare being teased [and were teased]with the appearance of Black Pete, not only callingthem ”Zwarte Piet” [Black Pete], but also ”stupid”, ”ugly”,”dirty” and more demeaning words. [19]And to my opinion and many other protesters of Black Pete,a children’s Feast is only a children’s Feast, if ALL childrenbenefit from it!PROTESTS AGAINST BLACKFACE BLACK PETEThere’s much to say about the protests and demonstrationsagainst the racist caricature Black Pete and I am not going to mentionthem all [that would fill a book], but a brief overview:Although there were decennialong protests against Black Pete, in 2011there was a real breakthrouigh, when a group of five black artists,among else Quincy Gario and Kno’ledge Cesare [Jerry Affryie], protestedat the Grand Entrance of Sinterklaas in Dordrecht, holding a T shirtwith the text ””Zwarte Piet is Racism”, met police brutality andwere arrested. [20]But police brutality didn’t prevent people from protesting!Protest organisations against Black Pete racism were founded,like Kick Out Zwarte Piet, which organizes the annual antiBlackface Black Pete demonstrations! [21] From 2011 peaceful anti Black Pete protesters were metby fierce police brutality.I can’t recall all incidents here, but one horror exampleare two different arrests of one of the Kick Out Zwarte Piet leaders,Kno’ledge Cesare [who also protested at Dordrecht in 2011and met police brutality too], one in Gouda and the otherin Rotterdam.See Youtube films under note 22 Massarrests of peaceful anti Black Pete protesters took place,also accompanied with police violence.[23] See for more information under note 24 THREATS Every society struggles with changes of behaviour and tradition,so it is not strange, that a majority of Dutch people didn’t see the point, felt [sometimes] offended because they wrongly thought of being accused of racism [it is the caricature that’s racist, notnecessarily the people, who love Zwarte Piet. That dependsof their behaviour and remarks regarding the subject], andstood behind the Fairy Tale Figure of their youth. Yet it’s interesting to see, that although Black Pete defendersargued, that Black Pete is ”only a Feast for children”, many Dutch adults were very upset about any criticism of ZwartePiet [Black Pete] and sent furious reactions and even death threats to people, who opposed Zwarte Piet, likeAnouk, a popular singer and the Dutch children’s Ombudsman,who wrote a very critical report about Zwarte Piet, emphasizing,that the Figure of Black Pete leads to discrimination anda low self esteem of black children. [25]If it is ”only a Children’s Feast”, why then all the fuss? Even worse:When the opposers of Zwarte Piet were black, they receivedracist threats as death threats, like happened to TV presentatorand now politician Sylvana Simons and other black Zwarte Piet protesters.[26] SO AGAIN:If this is all about a Children’s Feast, why all this fuss?Why all those violent threats and even racist attacks? Is it not clear, that especially those racist attacks reveal whatmoves many Black Face defenders most:Racism?Is that not a clear proof, that what they defend is a racisttradition also?Because, again, why else black children are being teased,sometimes very maliciously, with being ”dirty” and ”stupid” as Black Pete [27], giving them a low self esteem, as they themselves testimony. [28] And not only their testimony:The Dutch children’s Ombudsman wrote a very critical report about Zwarte Piet, emphasizing,that the Figure of Black Pete leads to discrimination anda low self esteem of black children. [29] BIZARRE AND A BIT OF FUN”BLOKKEERFRIEZEN” [IN ENGLISH: FRISIANS, WHOBLOCK THE HIGHWAY] In the fight for keeping Black Pete it can’t be bizarre enough.After the announcement, that the National Grand Entrance ofSinterklaas [there are a lot of local Entrances too, but this oneis sponsored by TV and broadcasted] would take place in the small Frisian town Dokkum, the organisation Kick Out Zwarte Piet announced [in the Netherlands one doesn’t have to ask permission to demonstrate, but has to announce it to themayor of the city, who can only forbid or limit the demonstration,when there is a danger of disturbing the peace] its anti Black Pete demonstration and agreements were made with the major.However, pro Blackface people heard that and a localbusinesswoman, Jenny Douwes, incited people onFacebook to protest against it.This resulted in a dangerous b;lockade of the highwayon the place the busses with the anti Blackface protesterswere approaching Dokkum.Result:The demonstration didn’t take place, for on the last momentythe mayor forbid it out of fear for clashes between pro and antiBlackface groups.In fact, the major was especially afraid for the coming of neo-nazi’s, who would use the pro Blackface cause for their owndirty agenda.But the ”Blokkeerfriezen” [the roadblocking Frisians] hadto face Court and were convicted because of violations of the right on demonstration [30]BIZARRE, Blocking a road to defend Blackface…. So far are people prepared to go….. CHANGES But since we are not longer living in the 19th century with fervent colonialism, slavery and white supremacy ideas, changesin the Figure of Blackface Zwarte Piet are inevitable, despite alldeath threats, hatespeeches and a road blockade.You see it already in the steets:A growing number of children go to the Grand Entrance ofSinterklaas as soot faced Petes or sometimes as they are.See the foto’s at this article.But also the colour of Pete is changing.You see a growing number of soot faced Petes, accompanyingSinterklaas. A growing number of schools have said ”Goodbye” to Black Pete and allow only soot faced Petes. [31]High profile store ”De Bijenkorf” has Golden Petes from 2015[32]The big supermarkets react in varying way.The ”zak” of Sinterklaas[”zak” in English: bag, where the candies or presentsare hidden en is believed, that ”Black Pete” is puttingnaughty children in to bring them to Spain, whereSinterklaas and Pete live] is mostly not imaged withBlack Pete anymore, but with Sinterklaas himself.Some supermarkets change the colour of Black Pete,but most of them offer a variety of colours, including black. The grocery chain Lidl is the only one reported to have completely eliminated images deemed racial caricatures. They will have coloring pictures that children may color as they choose. [33]However, like most developments, changes are going faster andearlier in the big cities than in smaller towns and villages.Thus the areas of North and South Holland and Utrecht have seen the most change, while Drenthe, Friesland, and Zeeland, the least. [34]CHANGESCHILDREN’S OMBUDSMANI already mentioned the report of the children’s OmbudsmanSeptember 30, 2016, suggesting that Zwarte Pete be “stripped of discriminatory or stereotypical characteristics.” Otherwise children’s rights for fair treatment and protection from discrimination may be violated. “The figure of Zwarte Piet can contribute to bullying, exclusion or discrimination, and is therefore contrary to the [International Convention on the Rights of the Child],” the report continued. “Many [children of color] who experience discrimination in their daily lives say that it’s worse around Sinterklaas time.” And further, “Several Black children found the typical characteristics and buffoonish behavior of Black Pete to be ‘negative and discriminatory against people with dark skin.’” These characteristics “must be changed so children of colour do not experience any adverse effects, and every child feels safe” during Sinterklaastijd. [35]I also mentioned, that following the report the Children’s Ombudsman received dozens of angry reactions and numerous threats. [36]Again:If it is about ”just a Children’s Feast”, why then all those hysterical reactions?BLACK PETE GOES INTERNATIONAL!UNCONDEMNATION OF BLACK PETEThe fight against the racist caricature Black Pete is supportedinternantionally and at an important level.The United Nations!The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discriminationwrote a report, issued in 2015, demanding from the Dutch governmenta change in the racist features of Black Pete [37]I quote from the report:” While the Committee understands that the tradition of Sinterklaas and Black Pete is enjoyed by many persons in Dutch society, the Committee notes with concern that the character of Black Pete is sometimes portrayed in a manner that reflects negative stereotypes of people of African descent and is experienced by many people of African descent as a vestige of slavery, which is injurious to the dignity and self-esteem of children and adults of African descent. ”Another quote:” Considering that even a deeply-rooted cultural tradition does not justify discriminatory practices and stereotypes, the Committee recommends that the State party actively promote the elimination of those features of the character of Black Pete which reflect negative stereotypes and are experienced by many people of African descent as a vestige of slavery. The Committee recommends that the State party find a reasonable balance, such as a different portrayal of Black Pete and ensure respect of human dignity and human rights of all inhabitants of the State party. The Committee further recommends that the State party ensure non-discrimination in the enjoyment of freedom of expression and association, and that attacks on protesters be effectively investigated and duly prosecuted.” [38]Earlier, in 2013, Verene Shephard, a Un official, wrote the Dutch governmentwith the same sort of critics about Black PeteI quote from the letter:” The character and image of Black Pete perpetuate a stereotyped image of African people and people of African descent as second-class citizens, fostering an underlying sense of inferiority within Dutch society and stirring racial differences as well as racism. During the celebration, numerous people playing the Black Pete figure blacken their faces, wear bright red lipstick as well as afro wigs. The Black Pete figure is to act as a fool and as a servant of Santa Claus. The Black Pete segment of Santa Claus celebrations is experienced by African people and people of African descent as a living trace of past slavery and oppression, tracing back to the country’s past involvement in the trade of African slaves in the previous centuries. Reportedly, a growing opposition to the racial profiling of Black Pete within the Dutch society, including by people of non-African origins, is to be noticed. However, it is also alleged that no response has been given to associations defending the rights of African people and people of African descent in the Netherlands, which are asking for dialogue on this issue.”[39]Clear language, as well from the UN report as the letter of mrs Verene Shephard!PART IITHE FACE OF FASCISMInvoke a terrifying internal and external enemyTEN STEPS TO CLOSE DOWN AN OPEN SOCIETYhttps://www.huffingtonpost.com/naomi-wolf/ten-steps-to-close-down-a_b_46695.htmlSo we have seen backward stupidity, threaths, racist or not,road blockades and hateful stuff on social media.But it can be worse, when the Hand of fascism reveals itself:One of the main characteristics of fascism is creatingscapegoats or ”enemies” of the people orthe State.Another side is violence.And both showed itself in a horror way:DEMONISING LEADERS OF KICK OUT ZWARTE PIET:THE TELEGRAPH ARTICLE/GHOSTS OF THE PASTNot long ago [november 2018], extreme right wing and pro Pete journalist Weird Dukwrote a malicious article in the Dutch paper ”The Telegraph”,titled ”The danger of a radical agenda”, thereby demonisingthe Kick Out Zwarte Pete movement, accusing the leaders tobe ”dangerous” and ”extreme” [40]But the worst thing was the photo at the article, picturingMitchell Esajas and Kno’ledge Cesare [Jerry Afriyie] assinister figures, looking down at a peaceful Dutch landscapewith mills and dark clouds as the foreboding of a catastrophe. [41]This horror photo is going back in Time, when – in Nazi Germanyof the thirty years- Jews were portrayed equally.I mention here especially a drawing of a Jew, looking downon a world Globe, which reminds of the Telegraphimage of Mitchell Esajas and Jerry Affriyie, looking downon the Netherlands……And it is not out of the blue, that I make this comparisonin regard to the Telegraph:For the Telegraph has a bad reputation in the past, havingcollaborated with the nazi German occupation in theNetherlands in the Second World War!See under note 42 an antisemitic article in the Telegraphfrom 1942.I quote a passage [first in Dutch]
Jood is en blijft Duitsland’s vijand, of hij nu uit
Portugal, of kersvers uit Jeruzalem, al dan niet voorzien
van een Nederlandse pas of identiteiotskaart, hier verzeild is geraakt’
Translated In English:
”Jew is and remains the enemy of Germany, whether he
set foot in the Netherlands, coming from Portugal, or
newly arrived from Jerusalem, whether or not
in the possession of a Dutch passport or identity card.”
Apparently, the Telegraph has learned nothing from the past……
The hateful article was only the beginning:
During the Entrance of Sinterklaas, which takes place in several
cities and towns [the National Entrance, which also is broadcasted
on TV, was in Zaanstad, North Holland], there were anti Black Pete
protests in at least 18 cities across the Netherlands and while the
Black Pete protesters were peaceful, a bunch of fascist thugs attacked
the protesters in several cities with eggs, bananas and beer cans and what was
still worse [and the reason why I call them ”fascist thugs”], some brought
Hitler salutes and uttered racist insults. [43]
You can see photo’s of the agressive fascist gangs at my article.
Especially in Eindhoven and Rotterdam, pro Pete gangs were very
agrressive. [44]
In Nijmegen en Zwolle, anti Black Pete demonstrations were cancelled , after mayors said they could not guarantee protesters’ safety. [45]
These are very dangerous developments, because
succeeding in violence, although there were
arrests too [46] fascist thugs get confidence and
will enlarge their street operations, which
leads to as well more fascist power as intimidation
of their opponent.
And the very fascist streetoperations is a direct
threat to black migrants and other migrants’
of colour.
Combined with the two fascist political parties,
the PVV [Party for Freedom] of G Wilders and the Forum for Democracy of Thierry Baudet [47]
Evidently not all pro Black Pete supporters are racists, nor
are all pro Black Pete supporters, who attacked the Black Pete
supporters fascists.
Some indeed were ”asos” [anti socials], like prime minister Rutte stated. [48]
But that’s not the point here.
The whole thing lies in the fact, that fascists
have made the Black Pete question to their cause,
because this seemingly ”innocent” Sinterklaas
Feast with Black Pete is an easy way to reach many
people, since the majority of the Dutch still valuates
”Zwarte Piet” [49]
So not only politically, but also by means of
a Feast, fascism gradually creeps into Dutch society.
Like a poison snake.
Fascism is:
Extreme, hierarchic State control with a dominant
Exclusion of all people, who are ”foreign” and thus, according to fascists, don’t belong to
the ”Pure Nation [Pure ”race”, here of course
the ”white race”]”, whether they are Jews or black people.
Fascism stands for intimidation and terror and that was exactly what fascists did with the attacks on
peaceful Black Pete protesters!
And fascism is always seeking for a scapegoat,
an ”enemy”, who operates inside the ”Pure Nation”
as a sort of fifth colonne. [50]
And what suits Dutch white [of course there is fascism in other parts of the world too with different ”scapegoats”] facists better than pick up black people and other people of colour, who are already being discriminated and often treated as secondhand civilians.
And the best of it:
In order to win those Dutch people overr, who don’t want to
be openly racist, that socalled ”innocent Children’s
Feast ”Sinterklaas’is the best way to attack black people, since the most Black Pete protesters are black
[although there are many white allies to in
the fight against Zwarte Piet]
So that explains the sudden fascist interest in
Black Pete.
But there is more to worry about than the link
fascism-Zwarte Piet, since almost certainly
Zwarte Piet is going to dissapear.
Because fascism is multitasking!
Directed against refugees [who mostly are black
or of colour], black people and people of colour
in general, Jews [although somewhat hidden because of
the past], Roma [”gypsies” a pejorative term for Roma]
But they are also anti EU ,anti the governmental ”elite’
and against the detoriation of the health services in
the Netherrlands.
And that seeming diversity, sometimes with
some thruth in it [as their objections against the
governmental elite and their seeming worries
about the detoriation of the health services in
the Netherlands]
But the binding element is their racist hatred and
extreme law and order mentality.
To fight fascism in word and deed, that is
the task that lie ahead of us.
Before it is too late.
Astrid Essed
NOTES[1]WIKIPEDIAZWARTE PIET [TEXT IN ENGLISH]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet[2]WIKIPEDIABLACKFACE/FILMhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface#FilmORIGINAL SOURCEWIKIPEDIABLACKFACEhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface[3]WIKIPEDIASAINT NICHOLAShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas[4]SEE UNDERLYING BACKGROUND ARTICLE ABOUTTHE DUTCH ”SINTERKLAAS”BUT FIRST:WARNING::IN THIS ARTICLE THERE IS A CONFUSIONBETWEEN THE AMERICAN FATHER CHRISTMAS [SANTACLAUS]] AND THE DUTCH ”SINTERKLAAS”, SINCE THE ARTICLESUGGESTS, THAT ”SINTERKLAAS” IS A SORT OFFATHER CHRISTMAS, OR A DUTCH FORM OF CHRISTMASCELEBREATION.THAT IS NOT TRUE:THE AMERICAN ”SANTA CLAUS” IS DERIVED FROMTHE DUTCH [AND EUROPEAN] FAIRY TALE FIGURE ”SINTERKLAAS”’ GOOD GIVER OF PRESENTS [ALSO IN DIFFERENT EUROPEAN COUNTRIES]AND ”SINTERKLAAS” IS DERIVED AGAIN FROM THE HISTORICAL FIFURE”SAINT NICHOLAS”, HISTORICALLYA BISHOP FROM MYRA IN ANATOLIA [WHAT IS NOW TURKEY], WHO LIVED INAND ABOUT 270 UNTIL 343]SEE ALSOWIKIPEDIASAINT NICHOLAS/VENERATIONS AND CELEBRATIONShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas#Veneration_and_celebrationsSOURCEWIKIPEDIASAINT NICHOLAShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_NicholasSO THE ”SINTERKLAAS” CELEBREATIONS EXISTED ALREADYIN THE MIDDLE AGES, SOMETIMES ACCOMPANIEDBY A BLACK PAINTED FIGURE [A SORT OFTIJL UYLENSPIEGEL [EULENSPIEGEL]-KNAVE, NOT BLACK PETE ASA RACIST CARICATURE, SINCE THE CONCEPT OF RACISM[IN THE SENSE OF THE WHITE ”RACE” SUPERIOR OVER THEBLACK ”RACE”] WAS AN INVENTION FROM THE 17TH CENTURY, WHENTHE TRANSATLANTIC SLAVETRADE FLOURISHED IN EUROPEANLANDS.WIKIPEDIATILL EULENSPIEGELhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Till_EulenspiegelNOW YOU CAN READ THE BACKGROUND ARTICLEBACKGROUND ARTICLEINFORMATION ABOUT ”BLACK PETE””Mark Mardell explains the festive customs in the Low Countries that prompt an ethical debate – from Sinterklaas the noble Santa Claus figure, to his mischievous minstrel sidekick Zwarte Piet (Black Pete).”HISTORY EXTRAA CHRISTMAS CONTROVERSERYhttps://www.historyextra.com/period/a-christmas-controversy/[5]”In 1850, Amsterdam-based primary school teacher Jan Schenkman published the book Sint Nikolaas en zijn Knecht (“Saint Nicholas and his Servant”), the first time that a servant character is introduced in a printed version of the Saint Nicholas narrative.”WIKIPEDIADEVELOPMENT AND DEPICTION IN THE 19TH ABND 20TH CENTURIEShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet#Development_and_depiction_in_the_19th_and_20th_centuries ORIGINAL SOURCE WIKIPEDIAZWARTE PIET https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet [6] ”In 1833, an Amsterdam-based magazine made humorous reference to “Pietermanknecht” in describing the fate that those who had sneaked out of their houses to attend that year’s St. Nicholas celebrations were supposed to have met upon their return home.”WIKIPEDIADEVELOPMENT AND DEPICTION IN THE 19TH ABND 20TH CENTURIEShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet#Development_and_depiction_in_the_19th_and_20th_centuries ORIGINAL SOURCE WIKIPEDIAZWARTE PIET https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet[7]SURINAM OR IN COLONIAL TIMES ”DUTCH GUIANA]SURINAM IS INDEPENDENT SINCE 1975!WIKIPEDIASURINAM (DUTCH COLONY)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surinam_(Dutch_colony)[8]WIKIPEDIAINSTITUTIONAL RACISMhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racismDUTCHVIEW.COMRACISM IN THE NETHERLANDS: TALKING ABOUT THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM25 OCTOBER 20917https://dutchreview.com/culture/living-in-the-netherlands/racism-in-the-netherlands/AL JAZEERASYLVANA SIMONS: RACISM IS ACCEPTEDIN THE NETHERLANDS18 JANUARY 2017https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/01/sylvana-simons-racism-accepted-netherlands-170118095205530.html”Perhaps for outsiders, it does not take much to recognize that the figure of Black Pete—with his black face, big red lips, curly hair, and inherently subordinate position next to Sinterklaas—is a caricature borne out of the Netherlands’ colonial past. The Netherlands, however, is ill-equipped to deal with the colonial past or recognize its present day legacy.
School curricula do little to educate the population about the country’s “Golden Age”; the appalling exploits of the Dutch East and West India Company and the Dutch slave trade fill very few pages in the history books of primary and high schools. Ninsee, the one institution that has worked to raise awareness about the history and legacy of slavery outside of formal education, recently saw its state subsidies cut so drastically that it had to close.”
https://www.astridessed.nl/dutch-elections-2017pvv-in-power-or-notterror-reign-or-freedom/ [9]DUTCHVIEW.COMRACISM IN THE NETHERLANDS: TALKING ABOUT THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM25 OCTOBER 20917https://dutchreview.com/culture/living-in-the-netherlands/racism-in-the-netherlands/[10]WIKIPEDIAGOLLIWOGhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog[11]WIKIPEDIABLACKFACEhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface[12]”The golliwog, golliwogg or golly is a black fictional character created by Florence Kate Upton that appears in children’s books in the late 19th century and usually depicted as a type of rag doll. It was reproduced, both by commercial and hobby toy-makers as a children’s toy called the “golliwog”, and had great popularity in the UK and Australia into the 1970s. The doll is characterised by black skin, eyes rimmed in white, clown lips and frizzy hair.”WIKIPEDIAGOLLIWOG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog ”Blackface is a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by non-black performers to represent a caricature of a black person. It has been considered a racially insensitive representation of blackness by the African American community. The practice gained popularity during the 19th century and contributed to the spread of racial stereotypessuch as the “happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation” or the “dandifiedcoon“.WIKIPEDIABLACKFACEhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface [13] WIKIPEDIAGOLLIWOG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog WIKIPEDIABLACKFACE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface [14] Pete is Black because he travels through the chimney. There is a lot of controversy regarding this explanation. People who oppose Black Pete assume that this is just a lame excuse to cover up his real being. If you look at the other giftbringers in Europe however you will find that this explanation is used everywhere to explain the blackness of these midwintercreatures. This is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the fact that Black Pete is much older that most people think and that this was said about predecessors (e.g. the Black Klazen (Nicholasses) and the figures with hides and horns) that did exist in the Netherlands before 1850 and also that Black Pete is very closely tied to these other giftbringers and has a common origin. ”
The Sint en Pieten Gilde clearly shows that Black Peter was not invented by Schenkman
Nowadays it is often assumed that Black Pete is more or less a creation of the schoolmaster Jan Schenkman who wrote a book in 1850: St. Nicholas and his servant. Furthermore, one assumes that he and his illustrators were inspired by paintings of luxurious pages, black lackeys in the service of nobles in Europe. By starting from this lineage and not being critical with regard to the accuracy of this assumption, historically correct ways of portraying Zwarte Piet are wrongly interpreted as racist. The introduction of the Grand Entrance in the village or city, the country of origin: Spain and the Servant are often attributed to Jan Schenkman, making his book seem a blueprint for the current St. Nicholas Feast. However, he didn;t invent the Grand Entrance, the home country of Spain and Zwarte Piet. He has been however the one who added the arrival by steamboat. Click here or on the green colored title above to read the document. The text is now available in English as well. There are some typing errors but it will certainly give you lots of info and an extensive list of sources.
Black Pete is an important figure for the Dutch Sinterklaas celebrations on December 5th. Much controversy surrounds the figure of Black Pete (Zwarte Piet). The biggest problem lies in the fact that people can’t say: I don’t agree with you in an acceptable way. On both sides this is accompanied by insults, cursing each other out, silencing people or worse. Some claim that Zwarte Piet is racist, but this claim is far too strong, considering his origins, history, and practices. Most people do not know the cultural back story that this tradition is set in. The very negative judgement on Black Pete is based on incomplete and incorrect information about the celebration and the figure of Black Pete. This leads to conclusions that do not take into account the Dutch and European history of the celebrations that play an important part in Black Pete. This history is ignored as if it never took place. The approach from colonialism and slavery usually doesn’t leave any room for this other history to be considered and suggestions for change take the form of forced obligation that should have no place in this discussion. Some antipete groups are quick to put the label of racist on anyone who doesn’t agree with their statements or is critical about the claims that are made and the sources that are used. This attitude is wrong and harmful. Even more because information provided on Black Pete is too often incorrect and incomplete.
Traditions of original inhabitants.
Most likely there is room for improvement where his looks are concerned for negative associations to go away seeing as he does look a lot like blackface now apparently to people who are not familiar with the custom and it’s history. Changing Black Pete and the direction this should take, should take into account the feelings of all people affected by this change and their respective history. To claim that Pete is racist without taking anything else into account even denying other explanations of the character are incomplete and can therefore never be “the truth”. This seems to be completely lost in the urge to get Black Pete on the agenda and this is not right. Also people should take into account the many changes Black Pete has undergone both in behaviour and appearance. The current Black Pete is not the Black Pete of peoples youth (even though the connection with our ancestors is apparent and should stay that way!) A lot is changed already and people should be aware of that. Also people should get themselves acquanted with the whole history of Black Pete and not focus solely on one aspect, take it out of context and put it under a looking glass. This complete history should be told to children also! It is very important that all of the information should play a role in the discussion between the pro’s and anti’s. It is very important to consider that he is part of the tradition of the indigenous peoples of this region, regardless of other influences that may have had an effect on him in some cases! It should also be noted that this doesn’t affect Black Pete as a whole and it isn’t factual to make these claims as a generalisation. This means at least that he should not be destroyed or changed beyond recognition, just because people do not understand or like the tradition. The black colour is an important and original element. This is 2014 and it may be expected for all people to take this into consideration regarding this issue.
On this website the right to protest against Black Pete is supported. This also goes for the right of others to disagree with certain claims that are made by anti-Black Pete groups. Racism is something that should be eliminated from society. Extremist views and violence surrounding this issue from both the pro- and the antiside are strongly opposed. Working towards a solution is the goal.This site provides information on the origins and history of this character. Many people seem to think thatZwarte Piet was introduced only 150 years ago, but this is not true. Black Pete, or the companion of Sinterklaas, dates back to pagan times. When the church wanted to wipe out the pagan traditions, they added the character of Sinterklaas. This pagan character (Zwarte Piet) became the companion of Saint Nicholas. In the Netherlands, as well as in the whole of Europe, Sinterklaas (aka Santa Claus) is accompanied by an (often black) helper. His appearance varies from country to country, but he can (usually) be recognized by four distinctive characteristics: 1. His masquerade (of which the simplest form is a black face) 2. His chain 3. His bag or basket (sometimes filled with coals). In the Netherlands, the sweets (pepernoten) and presents are in the bag. 4. His switch (roe) also hides and horns are often seen.
Overlap in appearance, conduct and character
The overlap that is visible in the black face between the historical Black Pete figures and the current Black Petes sticks out here. In the review of what Blackface is we will also address overlap in his conduct and character. It is important that people are aware of this when trying to interpret the figure. Clinging rigidly to a one-dimensional explanation for the current Black Pete is both incomplete and wrong. Changing Black Pete to a figure that doesn’t look like blackface should take into account the importance of the figure being unrecognizable, history and the symbolism of black and white in the celebration. The nightly visit from Black Pete and the fact that his face is invisible in the night, is a crucial part of the celebration. Who doesn’t stand by the front door and is sure that he sees Black Pete disappear in the night right after the doorbell has rung or a heavy knockin was heard and the bag with presents stands at the door! This being able to/not being able to see Black Pete is very important!
Through the chimney
Pete is Black because he travels through the chimney. There is a lot of controversy regarding this explanation. People who oppose Black Pete assume that this is just a lame excuse to cover up his real being. If you look at the other giftbringers in Europe however you will find that this explanation is used everywhere to explain the blackness of these midwintercreatures. This is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the fact that Black Pete is much older that most people think and that this was said about predecessors (e.g. the Black Klazen (Nicholasses) and the figures with hides and horns) that did exist in the Netherlands before 1850 and also that Black Pete is very closely tied to these other giftbringers and has a common origin. The chimney explanation is used for Schmutzli (Zwitserland), for Befana (Italy) and for Pere Fouettard (France), and for Knecht Ruprecht (Germany).
The Reformation
During the reformation, the Sinterklaas tradition was attacked by the church. The people, however, kept celebrating. This means that the absence of Sinterklaas and Black Pete in drawings and paintings can also be attributed to this. Some people see this as evidence that black Black Petefigures didn’t exist before 1850, but there is much valuable information available to contradict this belief.The heavy rattling with chains and bells, knocking on doors which is spoken of in many old Dutch texts refers to the fact that there were certainly figures going around around December 5th in the same manner as we remember Black Pete. This website tries to gather this information and make it available, so everyone can form their own opinion.
[15]”’The Saint Nicholas tradition contains a number of elements that are not ecclesiastical in origin.[8][9] In medieval iconography, Saint Nicholas is sometimes presented as taming a chained devil, who may or may not be black. However, no hint of a companion, devil, servant, or any other human or human-like fixed companion to the Saint is found in visual and textual sources from the Netherlands from the 16th until the 19th century””WIKIPEDIAZWARTE PIET/ORIGINShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet#OriginsORIGINAL SOURCEWIKIPEDIAZWARTE PIEThttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_PietPete is Black because he travels through the chimney. There is a lot of controversy regarding this explanation. People who oppose Black Pete assume that this is just a lame excuse to cover up his real being. If you look at the other giftbringers in Europe however you will find that this explanation is used everywhere to explain the blackness of these midwintercreatures. This is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the fact that Black Pete is much older that most people think and that this was said about predecessors (e.g. the Black Klazen (Nicholasses) and the figures with hides and horns) that did exist in the Netherlands before 1850 and also that Black Pete is very closely tied to these other giftbringers and has a common origin. ”
BLACK PETE HISTORY WEEBLY.COMBLACK PETE: HISTORY OF THE CHARACTERhttps://blackpetehistory.weebly.com/[18]”Pete is Black because he travels through the chimney. There is a lot of controversy regarding this explanation. People who oppose Black Pete assume that this is just a lame excuse to cover up his real being. If you look at the other giftbringers in Europe however you will find that this explanation is used everywhere to explain the blackness of these midwintercreatures.”
BLACK PETE HISTORY WEEBLY.COMBLACK PETE: HISTORY OF THE CHARACTERhttps://blackpetehistory.weebly.com/[19]””They would call me Zwarte Piet, or you are dirty just like Zwarte Piet. You are only good to be Zwarte Piet.”
Until then, he thought the Sinterklaas festivities were just about fun and collecting sweets.
“I was a child and not politically aware, but I realized we played this dress up with this character who is dumb, who is silly, who doesn’t know much, who needs someone to lead the way, who keeps messing up, who is looking very ugly, and then realising that I am the butt of the joke, I was 12 years old when I realised it.”
As all the children gathered, I remember the feeling of anticipation in the school hall. It was November and I had recently started primary school. All of a sudden, there was a loud banging on the door. I remember looking around and seeing the terror on the other children’s faces when the doors flew open and several grown men stormed into the hall with their faces completely “blacked up”. The terror soon made way for joy when the men starting throwing candy around, but I was left in total confusion. These grown men with blacked-up faces, afros and big red lips were talking to me in broken Dutch and trying to make me smile by prancing around like a clown.
I remember wondering why they were trying to look like my father, and why they were acting so silly. My father was a smart man, a grown-up. These grown men in blackface were acting like misbehaving children.
It became even more confusing when St Nicholas himself entered. The tall, old, white man dressed like the pope was treated with the utmost respect by my teachers, who had been laughing at the blacked-up men that they referred to as Zwarte Pieten – Black Petes.As soon as St Nicholas entered, the Black Petes calmed down and silently followed his orders. I couldn’t understand the strange power that St Nicholas had over these grown men who had moments before seemed uncontrollable.
At that moment, I remember a creeping feeling that something about this was wrong. I knew that Black Pete’s behaviour was wrong and I knew the way St Nicholas was treating Black Pete was wrong, but I did not understand why. I looked around and saw the smiles of the other children and teachers, and thought the only explanation must be that I was the one who was wrong. From that moment onwards, I never thought to question Black Pete again. The acceptance and enjoyment of the tradition became a measure for how Dutch I was, and since Dutch culture was the only culture I knew, I was petrified to be excluded from it.Last week, Amsterdam’s mayor made a statement that finally validated my creeping feeling by proposing a change of image for Black Pete. The proposed makeover follows a local court ruling that the depiction of Black Pete is, in fact, racist. The court determined that the character was “a negative stereotype of black people”. Soon after, the council of Amsterdam filed an appeal against the verdict arguing that the stereotype of Black Pete wasn’t negative.I grew up in a middle-class environment in The Hague where I could count all the people of colour on one hand. Racism was never that overt; perhaps because there weren’t that many of us, so we were not considered a threat. If any negative stereotyping occurred in my presence, it was always quickly followed by “but you’re different”. As a child, I was never sure if I should speak out against the negative stereotypes of black people being lazy, dirty or dumb because I was still afraid of being excluded. My silence came hand in hand with a pang of guilt for not sticking up for my own.And then there were the seemingly positive stereotypes about black people being better at singing, dancing or sports, the example often being the black players in our national football team. I remember feeling proud when such remarks were made by white folks because that meant we had worth. What I did not yet understand was that a positive or romanticised stereotype strips a person of their humanity by denying them individuality in the same way that a negative one does. As noted by policy officer Izalina Tavares, all the Black Petes have the same name, the same face and the same characteristics. They are interchangeable.
If I, as a person of colour, had to be taught that positive stereotypes are just as dehumanising as negative ones, and therefore racist, it is not surprising that a vast majority of Dutch people truly believe that there is nothing racist about Black Pete. He is loved by young and old, he’s funny, he’s giving, he’s athletic. Wouldn’t anyone want to be associated with these traits?
And yes, he can be childish, silly, and even a bit thick at times but we love him in spite of this, so no harm done, right? Wrong. As artist Bianca Berendshas written, research shows that stereotypes contribute to low self-esteem in children of colour and perpetuates the idea of white culture being superior to black culture, which in a multicultural environment will undeniably affect society as a whole.
The main problem is a lack of education on Dutch slavery and colonialism. I was taught in great detail the atrocities that were committed in the British empire, how the Americans dehumanised their African slaves and how racism in Germany led to the Holocaust. Never did we have one history lesson teaching us about the severity of Dutch conduct in Surinam, the Dutch Caribbean, Indonesia or South Africa. Perhaps if this schooling was there, Dutch people would find it easier to connect Black Pete with our history of slavery and racism.
The legacy of slavery and colonialism has preserved structural racism, so for many people of colour it is impossible to disconnect Black Pete from this legacy. Black Pete is a symbol of this legacy and as long as a post-racial society is still a utopian idea, the opposition of Black Pete is completely legitimised.
”Stephanie and Abdirashid tell about their experiences with the national blackface tradition Black Pete (“Zwarte Piet”). Both of them have been teased and called Black Pete (Zwarte Piet). “I have a terrible history with Black Pete”, Abdirahman reflects before sharing a painful story of his father being called Black Pete by children in a busy mall while no one intervened to defend him. Stephanie: “Oh you don’t need paint”,children kept calling his father Black Pete at 5 minutes in a mall, people around him didn’t say anything. Stephanie, a ‘plus size’ model, shares her painful experiences as well:
“Besides the fact that is has the same image as Golliwog and blackface and stuff it is rooted in slavery. But also, people don’t understand why it really hurts, and it really hurts. When children see me walking down the street they will tell me I am Zwarte Piet, I am Black Pete. During the 5th of December when Sinterklaas takes place I think twice about wearing red lipstick because people will look at me and think about or even tell me I look like Black Pete. It needs to stop it really needs to stop.”
Dutch Children’s Ombudsman Receives Black Pete Threats
The Dutch ombudsman for children, Margrite Kalverboer, has received dozens of angry reactions and threats after she stated in her report that Black Pete in its current form is in conflict with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Discussions with children showed that the image of Black Pete can be hurtful and can contribute to bullying. Children should not be negatively affected by the annual feast of St. Nicholas, therefore Black Pete should be altered, says the children’s ombudsman. Ard van der Steur, the minister of justice, has condemned the threats.
https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2016/09/30/tientallen-bedreigingen-voor-kinderombudsman-om-zwarte-piet-a1524199HERE THE REPORT OF THE KINDEROMBUDSMAN:IN DUTCH ”KINDEROMBUDSMAN: ZWARTE PIET VRAAGT OM AANPASSING”IN ENGLISH:”CHILDREN’S OMBUDSMAN: BLACK PETE DEMANDS ADAPTATION”REPORT IN DUTCH:https://www.dekinderombudsman.nl/ul/cms/fck-uploaded/20160930%20Standpunt%20over%20Zwarte%20Piet.pdfUNDERLYING ARTICLE MISTAKENLY REFERSTO SINTERKLAAS [SAINT NICHOLAS] AS TOA ”CHRISTMAS CHARACTER”:BUT:The American ”Father Christmas” Santa Claus and the Dutch”Sinterklaas are two different Fairy Tale Figures, although Santa Clausis derived from the Medieval Dutch ”Sinterlklaas”So the Dutch Feast of ”Sinterklaaas” [5 december] is not Christmas Feast!”These bans on Zwarte Piet have not come easily. As the movement against the character has grown, so too has organized white supremacy in favor of him. Journalists have received death threats for writing about Zwarte Piet and anti-blackface activists have survived violent attacks. This November, an article in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf accused Esajas of being funded by George Soros—a common anti-Semitic smear that often pops up in white supremacist conspiracy theories.”NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.COMTHE NOTORIOUS CHRISTMAS CHARACTERIS DIVIDING A COUBNTRY6 DECEMBER 2018https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/12/black-pete-christmas-zwarte-piet-dutch/[26]”The images of a black Dutch TV presenter’s face super-imposed on the hanged bodies of victims of a lynching are too nauseating to look at. And yet a video featuring the mocked-up pictures has been widely circulated online here.…………”But it was her criticism of the traditional festive character known as Black Pete that unleashed a backlash of death-threats and misogynistic, racist abuse, which quickly escalated from unpleasant to outright shocking.”BBC,COM NEWSDUTCH RACE HATE ENGULFS PRESENTER SYLVANA SIMONS25 NOVEMBER 2016https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38089469UNDERLYING ARTICLE MISTAKENLY REFERSTO SINTERKLAAS [SAINT NICHOLAS] AS TOA ”CHRISTMAS CHARACTER”:BUT:The American ”Father Christmas” Santa Claus and the Dutch”Sinterklaas are two different Fairy Tale Figures, although Santa Clausis derived from the Medieval Dutch ”Sinterlklaas”So the Dutch Feast of ”Sinterklaaas” [5 december] is not Christmas Feast!”These bans on Zwarte Piet have not come easily. As the movement against the character has grown, so too has organized white supremacy in favor of him. Journalists have received death threats for writing about Zwarte Piet and anti-blackface activists have survived violent attacks. This November, an article in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf accused Esajas of being funded by George Soros—a common anti-Semitic smear that often pops up in white supremacist conspiracy theories.”NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.COMTHE NOTORIOUS CHRISTMAS CHARACTERIS DIVIDING A COUBNTRY6 DECEMBER 2018https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/12/black-pete-christmas-zwarte-piet-dutch/[27]‘”They would call me Zwarte Piet, or you are dirty just like Zwarte Piet. You are only good to be Zwarte Piet.”
Until then, he thought the Sinterklaas festivities were just about fun and collecting sweets.
“I was a child and not politically aware, but I realized we played this dress up with this character who is dumb, who is silly, who doesn’t know much, who needs someone to lead the way, who keeps messing up, who is looking very ugly, and then realising that I am the butt of the joke, I was 12 years old when I realised it.”
Until then, he thought the Sinterklaas festivities were just about fun and collecting sweets.
“I was a child and not politically aware, but I realized we played this dress up with this character who is dumb, who is silly, who doesn’t know much, who needs someone to lead the way, who keeps messing up, who is looking very ugly, and then realising that I am the butt of the joke, I was 12 years old when I realised it.”
Dutch Children’s Ombudsman Receives Black Pete Threats
The Dutch ombudsman for children, Margrite Kalverboer, has received dozens of angry reactions and threats after she stated in her report that Black Pete in its current form is in conflict with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Discussions with children showed that the image of Black Pete can be hurtful and can contribute to bullying. Children should not be negatively affected by the annual feast of St. Nicholas, therefore Black Pete should be altered, says the children’s ombudsman. Ard van der Steur, the minister of justice, has condemned the threats.[37]THE NEW YORK TIMESUN URGES THE NETHERLANDS TO STOP PORTRAYALS OF”BLACK PETE” CHARACTER28 AUGUST 2015https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/29/world/europe/zwarte-piet-netherlands-united-nations.htmlTEXT
UNITED NATIONS — A United Nations committee has urged the Netherlands to get rid of Black Pete, a popular children’s character who has long been portrayed in early winter by white people in blackface makeup, usually with exaggerated red lips and gold hoops in his ears.
The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination wrote in a report issued Friday that “the character of Black Pete is sometimes portrayed in a manner that reflects negative stereotypes of people of African descent and is experienced by many people of African descent as a vestige of slavery.” It urged the Netherlands to “actively promote the elimination” of the racial stereotyping.
The Dutch government responded by dismissing the idea of banning the character, but said it would promote a discussion, however “uncomfortable,” about racism.
The Dutch are already reinventing the way they portray the controversial character, said Lodewijk Asscher, minister for social affairs and employment. “At the school of my own children, the Petes last year were orange,” he said.
The figure of Black Pete — Zwarte Piet, in Dutch — accompanies St. Nicholas in early December. In parades in nearly every city and village, St. Nicholas — almost always a white man in a red suit — arrives on horseback, while Pete, his servant, walks alongside distributing candy.
Black Pete is fodder in a pitched culture war within Dutch society, with antiracism activists denouncing the racial stereotypes and others insisting that the figure represents a harmless tradition, according to which Pete’s skin is darkened by soot from sliding down chimneys with gifts.
Mr. Asscher spoke carefully, saying he understood the hurt feelings on both sides, including those who “fear they are losing their tradition.”
“We must realize that changing an old tradition takes time,” the minister said.
Social media users engaged in a debate more unruly than uncomfortable in response to the United Nations report. On Twitter, critics called the tradition a “disgrace.” Others described the United Nations report as an example of “racism against the Dutch.”
The emotional debate around this one character is part of a broader argument about the limits of multiculturalism in Dutch society.
17. While the Committee understands that the tradition of Sinterklaas and Black Pete is enjoyed by many persons in Dutch society, the Committee notes with concern that the character of Black Pete is sometimes portrayed in a manner that reflects negative stereotypes of people of African descent and is experienced by many people of African descent as a vestige of slavery, which is injurious to the dignity and self-esteem of children and adults of African descent. The Committee is concerned about the discriminatory effect of such portrayals, which may convey a conception at odds with the Convention. The Committee is furthermore concerned at reports that citizens seeking to peacefully protest against such portrayals have been denied authorization to conduct such protests at a meaningful time and place and have been subjected to violent attacks and other forms of intimidation, which have not been adequately investigated. (arts. 2, 5 and 7). 18. Considering that even a deeply-rooted cultural tradition does not justify discriminatory practices and stereotypes, the Committee recommends that the State party actively promote the elimination of those features of the character of Black Pete which reflect negative stereotypes and are experienced by many people of African descent as a vestige of slavery. The Committee recommends that the State party find a reasonable balance, such as a different portrayal of Black Pete and ensure respect of human dignity and human rights of all inhabitants of the State party. The Committee further recommends that the State party ensure non-discrimination in the enjoyment of freedom of expression and association, and that attacks on protesters be effectively investigated and duly prosecuted.
https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CERD/Shared%20Documents/NLD/CERD_C_NLD_CO_19-21_21519_E.pdf ‘[39]LETTER OF UN OFFICIAL VERENE SHEPHARD [AND OTHERS]TO THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT The character and image of Black Pete perpetuate a stereotyped image of African people and people of African descent as second-class citizens, fostering an underlying sense of inferiority within Dutch society and stirring racial differences as well as racism. During the celebration, numerous people playing the Black Pete figure blacken their faces, wear bright red lipstick as well as afro wigs. The Black Pete figure is to act as a fool and as a servant of Santa Claus. The Black Pete segment of Santa Claus celebrations is experienced by African people and people of African descent as a living trace of past slavery and oppression, tracing back to the country’s past involvement in the trade of African slaves in the previous centuries. Reportedly, a growing opposition to the racial profiling of Black Pete within the Dutch society, including by people of non-African origins, is to be noticed. However, it is also alleged that no response has been given to associations defending the rights of African people and people of African descent in the Netherlands, which are asking for dialogue on this issue.UNITED NATIONSOFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGHCOMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTSMANDATES OF THE CHAIR RAPPORTEUR OF THE WORKING GROUPON PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT: THE SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON THE FIELD OF CULTURAL RIGHTS: THE INDEPENDENT EXPERT ON MINORITYISSUES: AND THE SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON CONTEMPORARY FORMSOF RACISM, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA AND RELATEDINTOLERANCEhttps://spdb.ohchr.org/hrdb/23rd/public_-_AL_Netherlands_17.01.13_(1.2013).pdf[40]THE TELEGRAPH ARTICLE [IN DUTCH]”HET GEVAAR VAN EEN RADICALE AGENDA”[IN ENGLISH]”THE DANGER OF A RADICAL AGENDA”https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dr3879aXgAAr4io.jpg[41]THE TELEGRAPH ARTICLE [IN DUTCH]”HET GEVAAR VAN EEN RADICALE AGENDA”[IN ENGLISH]”THE DANGER OF A RADICAL AGENDA”WATCH THE SINISTER PHOTO OF THE TWOLEADERS OF KICK OUT ZWARTE PIET, MITCHELLESAJAS AND JERRY AFRIYIE, LOOKING DOWNON THE PEACEFUL NETHERLANDS WITH THE MILLS….SEE ALSO THE PHOTO’S AT MY ARTICLEhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dr3879aXgAAr4io.jpg[42]SEE THE ANTISEMITIC ARTICLE AT THE TELEGRAPH FROM1942https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dr6R29_X4AMcV1s.jpg:largeA PASSAGE[FIRST IN DUTCH]”Jood is en blijft Duitsland’s vijand, of hij nu uit
Portugal, of kersvers uit Jeruzalem, al dan niet voorzien
van een Nederlandse pas of identiteiotskaart, hier verzeild is geraakt”
”Jew is and remains the enemy of Germany, whether he
set foot in the Netherlands, coming from Portugal, or
newly arrived from Jerusalem, whether or not
in the possession of a Dutch passport or identity card.”SEE THE ARTICLEhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dr6R29_X4AMcV1s.jpg:large43]”This year, Sinterklaas’ arrival on November 17 was greeted by protests against Black Pete in 18 cities across the Netherlands. Around 40 people were arrested, primarily counterprotesters supporting Zwarte Piet, who attacked anti-racist demonstrators with eggs and bananas, and in some places, Hitler salutes.”AL JAZEERAZWARTE PIET: BLACK PETE IS ”DUTCH RACISM IN FULL DISPLAY”27 NOVEMBER 2018
https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/zwarte-piet-black-pete-dutch-racism-full-display-181127153936872.html”Supporters of Black Pete attacked several protesters in Rotterdam, where activists had hung a banner reading “Black Pete is Racism” from the city’s Erasmus Bridge.…..…..”Football supporters in Eindhoven threw eggs and beer cans at police and anti-Pete protesters.”REUTERSFESTIVE FUN OR RACISM? DUTCH ”BLACK PETE” ROW GETS VIOLENT18 NOVEMBER 2018
” Prime minister Mark Rutte has described the angry mobs who attacked people demonstrating against the blackface Zwarte Piet tradition at this year’s Sinterklaas processions as ‘asos’ or anti-socials, but failed to explicitly condemn the violence. ‘It is a serious matter because everyone has the right to protest, it has to be possible,’ Rutte told reporters in The Hague. ‘We can’t let anti-social elements stop that.’ Rutte went on to downplay the problems, pointing out that the main procession in Zaandijk, had gone off well. ‘So you see, it can be done,’ the prime minister said. ‘But in a couple of places there were problems because football hooligans were waiting to cause trouble.’
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
This is the limit!Since the bizarre beheading of the French middle schoolteacher Samuel Patyby an 18 years old Chechen muslim, Abdoullakh Abouyedovich Anzorov [whowas killed by the police], because of showing his students the Charlie Hebdo 2012 Muhammad cartoons, followed by the stabbing of three Church visitors in aChurch in Nice by a 21 Tunesian suspect, two very tragic events, all Hell broke out in France.Because the [re]actions of the French government were a de facto declaration of war to muslims, not only in France, but also international.Immediately after the news broke out about the beheading of the school teacher, the French government got bananas.The first bizarre action was the showing of the offending Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons, hanging from French government buildings, violating article 1 of the French Constitution, stating equality and respect for everyone regardless descent, race or religion, as respect for all religions.Although the showing of the cartoons pretended to be in the name of”freedom ofopinion”, the French government knew full well, that many muslims, asIslamic countries, would consider it as a declaration of war.Again, a for muslims holy symbol as the Prophet Muhammed was shownon a disrespectful way, this time by a ”neutral” government.To add insult to injury, president Macron stated, that ”France will not giveup cartoons” in a homage to the beheaded school teacher.Do then the muslims in France not belong to France?No wonder some islamic countries started a boycott against French products.The third action of the French government was the more discriminatory:Minister of Internal Affairs Damartin announced the prohibition of a numberof islamic organisations, being ”enemies of the Republic”, withoutany given proof or connection with any terrorist attack, thus alienating the majority of peaceful muslims in France.An example of Damartin’s witch hunt is the CCIF, a collective that fights Islamophobia in France.The intention is also the deportation of illegal refugees, who received thelabel ”muslimextremists” without any proof of involvement with any terroristattack.In my view as the view of International Law, this is a ”collective punishment” This is no State policy anymore, but a ruthless witch hunt, which has nothing to do with democracy, but with a police State.Especially in those times, dangerous for France, the French government should connect, not polarize.
Astrid EssedAmsterdamThe Netherlands
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The witch hunt of president Macron and his team on the French muslim community
le mercredi 1 mars 2006, à 09:26, Astrid Essed écrivait :
The Danish cartoons: Freedom of _expression or licence to insult
Since a couple of weeks, a deep crisis has been developed regarding the publication dd september 2005 by the Danish paper The Jylands Posten of twelve cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, among else depicting him as a terrorist.
A number of Arabic governments and the Iran government not only asked the Danish ambassador for an explanation, also a great number of Arabic supermarkets decided to remove Danish products, for example in Saudi-Arabia, Algeria, Bahrein, Jordan, Kuwait, Morrocco, Qatar, Yemen and Tunesia Recently, dd 6-2, the Iran government has decided to cut off all commercial relations with the Denmark. Also the governments of Saudi Arabia and Libia has closed their embassies in Denmark.
Apart from those government-reactions, a great number of muslims protested against those cartoons, by which in many cases European embassies, in particular Danish embassies, were being violated. Also the protests were expanded to the American military. Recently four people were killed by the often trigger happy Afghan police, when a group of people marched on a U.S. military base in Southern-Afghanistan, out of protests against the Danish cartoons
To give a thourough analysis of this crisis and the controversy between the freedom of _expression, which is the point of view of most European media, and the lack of respect, which is the point of view of most muslims in and outside Europe, it is of importance to give a short review of the events.
The first publication of the Danish cartoons:
Dd 30-9-2005, the first publication by the Danish paper The Jylands Posten took place. This caused a strong reaction, not only under moslims and moslim-organisations in Denmark, but also in Arabic diplomatic circles. They asked for a conversation with the Danish prime-minister Rasmussen, who refused. Seeing the recent crisis, mr Rasmussen has tried to calm down this by means of diplomacy, which failed. However, he refused to make further excuses about the cartoons, calling the publications of the cartoons ”freedom ofexpression”
The second publication of the Danish cartoons:
However, despite of the crisis, which was caused by the first publication and which has also led to serious threatments to the address of the cartoonists, the Jylands Posten decided to republish the cartoons after the Christmas-period
It needs no surprise at all, that this second publication again lead to a serious crisis, by which not only the Danish government was being asked for an explanation, but also Danish products were being boycotted, diplomatic and commercial relations were broken and a huge people’s protest in a great number of countries burst out. The main protests took place in Saudi-Arabia, the occupied Gaza-area, the occupied West-Bank, Yemen, Somalia, Indonesia, the by India ruled disputed Kashmir area, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Nigeria and Libanon.
Probably under the pressure of the worldwide protests, the Jylands Posten offered her excuses to the moslims dd 30-1, which was being accepted by the islamic community in Denmark
The publication of the cartoons in the European media:
Soon after the first reactions from the Arabic world on the second publication of the referred cartoons, a number of European media-papers, following the line of the Jylands Posten, were publishing also the Danish cartoons, claiming that they did this under the pretext of ”freedom of _expression” The cartoons were among else published in several Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, French, Belgian, Italian and German papers
The editor of the French paper ”France Soir” not only was publishing them, but also added some own caricatural contributions to them. Therefore he was fired soon after publising the cartoons As reaction, out of socalled solidarity with his indeed unacceptable resignation and again, in the name of the ‘freedom of _expression”, a number of Belgian papers were also publishing the cartoons.
Of course it is evident, that the European newspapers have the right on publishing the cartoons as an information-source for the judgment of the public opinion. However, out of their point of view and regarding some editorial comments, they are of the opinion, that freedom of _expression can be ventilated totally, without any consideration for the religious rights of certain groups of people
Freedom ofexpression versus licence to insult:
Of course I consider freedom of _expression as one of the most fundamental rights of humanity, but that doesn’t imply, that there is no limitation to it. Without any limitation namely, anywone would be free to utter racism and anti-semitism and other fundamental violations of human rights, as being condemned by as well European legislative law as International Law In extremis it can lead to the opinion of a Dutch cartoonist J Collignon, who remarked in connection with the crisis round the cartoons, that it is no problem to publish Mein Kampf either
Also the socalled defenders of the freedom ofexpression forget, that their own legislative law has limited a total freedom of opinion, because the rights of different groups would be violated, as is being said above
In the first place, in European legislative Law, The ECHR [European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms], article 10 guarantees the freedom of _expression, there is an addition, that states that it is limited ”by everyone’s responsibility of the law”
In the Netherlands, where a great number of papers have published the cartoons, also article 7 of the Constitution guarantees the freedom of _expression, there is an addition, that states that it is limited ”by each responsibility of the law”
Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution states, that racism and discrimination is not permitted.
Insult of the religion of certain groups:
More specifically yet, article 137c of the Dutch criminal law, forbids insults of the religion of the several groups in society
The insulting character of the cartoons:
It is obvious, that the Danish cartoons, from which some are depicting the for muslims holy Prophet Mohammed as a terrorist, is violating the muslims in their most sacred feelings and is therefore a violation of their religious rights. Moreover the provocation lies in the fact, that it also implies a connection between the Islam and terrorism, which makes fundamentally no sense (being, like Christianity and Judaism, based on the principle of Love) and also a connection between muslims in general and terrorism, a serious European prejudice.
However I think, this is not only a question of legislative law, but responds also to the deeper principle of fundamental respect for other human beings.
By publishing those cartoons, the European papers not only has shown a fundamental lack of respect for the muslims outside Europe, but also for their moslims-co-citizens on their own country.
This sort of freedom of opinion bigotry is leading in extremis only to the further escalation of the growing tension between European autochtones and especially islamic allochtones, with the great risk of further radicalisation.
Reactions in the Arabic world:
Of course I am of the opinion, that the diplomatic reactions of the Arabic and Iranian government, not only regarding the boycot of the Danish poducts, but especially also against the Danish government, are extrapoportionnal, since the government of a country has no power over the edition-policy of a newspaper.
Also I condemn the reactions of violence in parts of the islamic world, which is directed against the foreign embassies.
However it is evident, that such an outburst of violence has more causes than the publication of the cartoons
Backgrounds of the violent outbursts:
Yet apart from the reaction on the publications of the Danish cartoons, it is obvious, that for such outbursts, more explanations must be seek
I am of the strong opinion, that those violent reactions, which take place in so many countries, are directly interconnected with the feelings of powerlessness and humiliations, which are being mainly caused by the European military support of the British-American occupation of Afghanistan and especially Iraq. This is also combined with the decennia-long European political attitude to the Middle-East crisis, which is de jure condemning the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian areas and the Israeli war-crimes and human rights violations, but de facto is maintaining the status quo, by not taking any political or economical measures to pressure on Israel to implement the UN-Security Resolution 242 dd 1967, to withdraw our of the occupied territories and also to dismantle the settlements, which are illegal according to International Law and break down the Wall, which has been condemned by the International Court of Justice dd 9-7-2004, because of cutting through occupied Palestinian area.
This, in combination with the since 11 september 2001 amounted anti-Islam hysteria in Europe, from which the publication of those cartoons are one of the utterings, is leading to those violent protests, which is only being worsened by the provocative attitude of a number of European papers, from which for example the Dutch Volkskrant [literary translared: People’s Paper] is one of the most extreme, by publishing the cartoons two times in a short period.
Denigrated remarks of de Volkskrant:
Not only ”De Volkskrant” was very bigot in her defense of the freedom of _expression by placing the cartoons twice, in an editionary comment ”Geen slappe knieeen” [”No weak knees”, by wich was meant no capitulation for ”religious fundamentalism”, which as so often in the European media is used in a wrong way] she also utttered very denigrating remarks considering the muslim protesters. So every protest was being ”directed” from ”the authorities”, by which they forgot, that it is highly unlikely, that so many protests in so many countries would be ”put in scene” Further they called the protests ”opgelopte lucht” [litery ”cooked air”, which means ”of no real meaning and irrational”], which shows a complete lack of respect for the intelligence and think-capacity of the protesters.
Further the Volkskrant also neglected a remark by a French muslimleader, who was comparing the cartoons with the anti-semite cartoons from the 30 years of the former century Their comment was, that the comparison was not just, because the systematic nazi-propaganda of that time is not to be connected with those cartoons
Yet the Volkskrant is missing a very important point here. Although there the anti-Islamhysteria is happily not to be compared with the nazi-propaganda from the years 30 of the former century, yet there are comparisons. For example the Jews were being considered as untrustworthy [the same qualification is given to moslims nowaday in Europe], they would plan an ”international plot to dominate the world” [compare with the generalisation of all moslims with the ”international terrorism”] and they were out to ”destroy the German cultural society” [compare with the muslims, who would ”destruct” ”the democratical European society”]
In my opinion I am also supported by no-one less than the very respected Dutch-Jewish rabbi Soetendorp, who stated that there are a number of comparisons between the anti-semite propaganda in the 30 years and the present European anti-Islamhysteria.
Political signature of the Jylands Posten:
Considering the Jylands Posten, it is perhaps interesting to commemorate, that this paper was in the 20, 30 and 40ths of the former century, a fervent political supporter of the racist-facistic regimes of as well Hitler as Mussolini Although the past is not to be considered in this, it is being named by me, because nowadays this paper is a very right-wing paper also with ideological ties with the extreme right party in Denmark
Reaction of the AEL [Arab-European League]
The chairman of the Arab-European League, mr D Abou Jahjah, has recently decided, in reaction on the publication by the European media, also to publish a number of cartoons. The deeper meaning is not only to explore the limits of real freedom ofexpression, by placing certain cartoons, which are a taboo in the European ideological train of thought, but also confont the European defenders of the freedom of _expression, who don´t care about insulting the feelings of muslims, with cartoons, which are shocking to them.
Considering the fact, that the holocaust is such a taboo, he has placed already a cartoon, by which Hitler shares the bed with Anne Frank
Although I can understand the purpose of this and in reactions a possible double standard point of view can be read, I think it is unacceptable to make a cartoon, even for testing this principle, of a genocide like the holocaust.
In that respect also the comparison would have more meanful, when the AEL had published a rabbi, being a terrorist.
I know almost certainly, that that would not be considered als ´´´freedom ofexpression´´, but as anti-semitism.
My other objection however is, that it is better to protest against the publication of the cartoons, rather than to place possible shocking cartoons, but of course that is the responsibility of the AEL-Europe.
Overwiewing the insulting character of the publication of the cartoons and the fact, that the freedom ofexpression has its limits, when it comes to violating of the rights of groups of people, regardless whether they are cultural, national or religious, it would be wise, when the European media would not have pubish them, at least not out of the point of view of ´´defending of the freedom ofexpression´´
In the first place, there is a difference between freedom ofexpression and licence for insult In the second place, papers have not only their responsibility to bring news as objectively as]they can, but also a responsibility to society in respecting all citizens, also people, who have a different religion and descent Depicting intentionally cartoons, knowing it will hurt people in their deepest authentic feelings, whether religious or on another part of their identity, lacks the most elementar feeling of respect, which is also a part of the principles of democracy
By this arrogant attitude, only national and world-tensions will escalate, with as a consequence an amount of bitterness on the side of the powerless and already humiliated people in this world
It is time for Western media and a number of anti-religious or anti-Islam intellectualistic publicists, columnists, to show some respect.
Without that attitude, violent outbursts and more tensions will be the answer
I´´ll end to show my respect and appreciation for those European papers, which didn´t publish the cartoon in a senseless obsession with the ´´freedom ofexpression´´
In that respect many European newspapers could learn from the American papers, from which a very little part has published those cartoons
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor [2006]/Astrid Essed about the publication of the Muhammad cartoons by the Danish paper the Jylands Posten, republished by Charlie Hebdo and other European newspapers
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