Tag archieven: 2022 FIFA World Cup

[Human Rights Watch]/Dispatches: Qatar’s Labor Reforms Fall Short



FEBRUARY 11, 2014

The Qatar Supreme Committee, the body charged with delivering the Gulf state’s 2022 World Cup, this morning released its Workers’ Welfare Standards. In this detailed 50-page document, the committee outlines how it intends to ensure the basic rights of foreign migrant workers involved in select projects related to the construction of stadiums and associated infrastructure. (Another quasi-governmental body, the Qatar Foundation, released a similar set of standards in April 2013.)

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[Human Rights Watch]/Qatar: Serious Migrant Worker Abuses



Construction Boom Not Accompanied by Labor Reform
JANUARY 21, 2014
Qatar is in the spotlight over an issue that blights the Gulf region, and Qatari officials should see this as an opportunity to set a positive example. If Qatar seizes the opportunity, it will win international acclaim.
Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director

(Beirut) – International criticism over serious abuses of migrant workers was focused onQatar during 2013, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2014. The authorities have ignored warnings to reform a legal and regulatory system that facilitates forced labor.

Human Rights Watch said in January 2013 that without major reforms, the tens of thousands of migrant workers building infrastructure for the 2022 FIFA World Cup would face exploitation and misery. Further revelations were made in 2013 of appalling living and working conditions and high death rates for migrant workers. But despite mounting international criticism, Qatari authorities have given no indication they intend to carry out needed reforms.


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