Noot 14/Wat een idiote excuses!


Dear Community

We would like to clarify our previous post, which has now been archived.

In the post we stated, among other things, that there are ”no Isrfaeli flags allowed”

at the Pride Walk.

That has caused understandable upheaval.

Our intention was to state our position against zionism and the practices that have 

led to the current oppresion of Palestinian people.

It is a stance we have from the very beginning, because our vision is a world without

struggle, oppression and exc;lusion because of who you are, love or how you identify.

We strive for a world where everyone can be themselves and love and live freely.

This includes all places of the world, as LGBTQIAP+ people exist everywhere and our

fates are tied.

We understand that the wording in our previous post may have been confusing,

as there was no context provided.

That was an oversight due to human error.

We would like to sincerely apologise, especially if any members within our

community feel like they were not welcomed.

We welcome anyone and everyone that is at the Pride Walk to show support and solidarity 

for  LGBTQIAP+ people around the world that can’t fully be themselves, including in the

Netherlands. We welcome any and  everyone that adheres to our message against 

oppressive practices and for inclusion and liberation of all people.

And any and everyone that is looking for connection and community.

Moving forward we would like to focus on organising another succesful Pride

Walk where we can protest, cry and laugh alongside each other.

We have amazing speakers from varying backgrounds and walks pof lives that 

we think deserve more of your attention, like activists from organisations like

Erev Rav, Homomonument and City Rights, who we look forward to welcoming.

We hope to have clarified any misunderstandings and that you are willing to offer us some grace as we move into this busy season to bring out the bestof this Queer Amsterdam month for you.
With sincerity,love and solidarity.



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