against the Charle Hebdo Mohammed cartoons. [28]
I think they’re right.
The cartoons are insulting and discriminating.
One would think, that the remaining editorial staff of Charlie
Hebdo would reflect on its position, look in the mirror
or discuss about the to follow strategies, but not at all.
One of the first reactions was the republishing of the Mohammed
cartoons. [30]
Is it strange than, that the Islamic world is considering this as
a provocation?
I think not.
Since the ”solidarity” and interest with Charlie Hebdo is risen
to bog heights in the Western world, up to million copies
were printed, way beyond its usual print run of 60,000. [31]
A real ”Charlie” hysteria.[32]
As to be expected in post 11 september time, anti muslim
attacks were very violent, especially in France, where 128 anti
muslim incidents were reported between the Charlie Hebdo killings
and 20 january, compared to 133 last year, variyng from attacks
on Mosques, persons and threats. [33]
Worse still:
A Moroccan man was stabbed to death in front of his wife. [34]
In the Netherlands there also was an increase of attacks
and threats.
Two muslim women were attackedby a man at Amsterdam Central
Hero was an unknown man from Surinam [Dutch West Indies], who interfered.
Another hero is to be mentuioned here.
When a kosher supermarket in Paris was attacked by a gunman,
the Malinese born Lassana Bathily,hid people in a cold store room during the assault, so rescuing their lives. [36]
Therefore he was rewarded with the French nationality.[37]
Mr Bathily said about his act of bravery:
””I helped Jews. We’re all brothers,”
”It’s not a question of Jews, Christians or Muslims, we’re all in the same boat,” [38]
Mr Bathily is muslim.
I emphasize this especially towards those who, in their Islamophobia,
are prejudiced against muslims, calling them all ”terrorists”
As to be expected, the Eurpean politician have used the
Charlie Hebdo attacks as a pretext for strengthening anti
terror measures. [39]
During a meeting in Paris at 11 januari, the EU ministers of
Foreign Affairs have announced new anti terror measures.
In a joint statement the EU ministers are ”concerned” about the use
of Internet ”to fuel hatred and violence” [40]
It concerns ”hatespeech material”, which in reality means the stalking
of muslims and leftist activists, who are critical towards Western imperialism,
military intervention and capitalism.
Anti terrorist measures also imply the confiscation of travel documents of people considered dangerous, to speeding up agreements for the exchange of traffic data of passengers, [41].which is an assault to freedom of movement and
Those anti terror measures only feed repression and already existing
terror hysteria.
To give an impression of the post Charlie Hebdo terror hysteria,
a report of Mr Dyab Abu Jahjah [42],leftist political activist and
former leader of the anti zionist Arab European League [AEL] [43].
It is all about his arrest before his home, because ”he looked
suspicious”, guns were pointed at him and a friend. [44]
Being a Libanese is a police target in those times of terror hysteria.
Free speech.
Since 11 september 2001, that is the pretext for utterings of
racism, right wing populism and Islamophobia.
Revealing that racism and Islamophobia, as criticism of
Western military interventions in the Middle East, is often seen
as ”extremism”
After the murders [which were, of course, not to be justified]
of Dutch anti immigration politician P Fortuyn and cineast T van Gogh,
it was all ”free speech” which was attacked.
Although Fortuyn was a racist and Islamophobe and T van Gogh
an Islamophobe and antisemite. [45]
Charlie Hebdo is no exception, since it is an Islamophobe
and racist garbage paper, with yearlong purfposedly
provocation under the pretext of ”satire”
And after this assault no reflection, but again and again,
the reprinting of the same Mohammed cartoons. [46]
The same provocation continues.
The racist character is all too obvious.
Because the depiction of a black woman as a MONKEY
is diehard racism. [47]
Some people defend Charlie Hebdo by stating, that the paper
also published progressive cartoons. [48]
That may be true, but the Islamophobe and
racist character is evident and that makes the paper
to garbage, not worth reading.
In those times of amounted racism and Islamophobia
Charlie Hebdo’s contribution is:
Hatespeech and provocation.
Therefore it’s important to condemn the Charlie Hebdo
attacks, but say no to solidarity
with the paper Charlie Hebdo.
Je ne suis pas Charlie.
I am not Charlie.
Astrid Essed
The Netherlands