What HELL is going through the soul of any human being, especially
a Child, when you are the only survivor of a Ship, on it’s way to
Safety and [hopefully] a Better Life, a Ship, that perished in
the Mediterranean Sea?You are eleven years old.In a terrible Fear of DeathDeadly lonely…..As in a Miracle you’re being saved!No, this is NO Horror Movie.It really happened.LOOK! [1]
And the Story goes, that the Girl has been found clinging to tire tubes for 3 days, before she was saved!Rescue workers of rescue vessel Trotamar III, run by the Germanorganisation Compass Collective, heard her screams in the darkness.And so they rescued her life.And this Story is written.
Trotamar III skipper declared:”
“It was an incredible coincidence that we heard the child’s voice even though the engine was running,” [2]
A True Miracle……..
That’s the way WE look at it
But the Girl
What a World of Fear, Fear of Death, Trauma, Horror,
she must have lived in…..
A Child of eleven years old deserves to play, to computer
game, to sport or whatever children on that age do.
NOT to fight for her life, clinging to tire tubes on a stormy
sea, facindg Death in the Middle of the Night……………….
I would like to know how the Child fared.
If she got the necessary help to survive this nearly death Event.
If she was able to scream, cry or talk about the deepfear and abandonment she must have felt.
But WE will not hear it.Not we.
Because like all socalled ”asylum fortune seekers” [3],at the end she will end up in the pile of all those migants,who are a ”threat” to the West, to Europe. [4]
I hope Life will be good to her.
It’s a Horror, that at so young an age she has to learn, whatinhumanity and exclusion means.Because had there been safe passages for refugees to Europe,she would not have looked Death in the eyes.On an age other children play, make joy.Have their dreams…………
These are my Thoughts, preceding to the Remembrance ofanother Poor Family, firstly hunted in the cold to their Birthplace for the Counting of the People on the order of the RomanEmperor Augustus [5].A Horror Journey on a Donkey.The man, trying to protect his pregnang Wife as wellas possible.AND THEN!NOT welcome in the Inn, the Child born in a stable,hunted again, because the King considered the Childas a Danger [6]
They fled to Egypt and returned when the King was dead [7]They were safe in Egypt, because there were no asylum laws there.Were there asylum measures a la the Dutch Minister Faber [8], noChristmas Story was ever told.
Christmas:We celebrate it as a Big FeastAnd that is Good
But let’s face-for one moment- how it beganAnd why of ALL Things This Child showed us,human being, His Message of Humanity and EqualityThink about that, Friends
And let us, through all Turkeys and Christmas Pies, notforget that 11 year old Girl, who was, also not welcome in theINN.
1 T/M 4
5 T/M 8