Categorie archief: Divers

Mail Astrid Essed to the Ghana Report/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s Hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity[Letter to the Editor]




Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity

Astrid Essed

Tue, Jan 14 at 11:56 AM

Letter to the Editor,

Dear Editor,

Shortly before Christmas former Surinamese president Desi Bouterse died

at the age of 79.

And almost immediately he was depicted as a sort of Saint by ”

birds of various feathers”

So in the Surinamese parliament, the ”Nationale Assemblee”,

Bouterse was called ”a courageous leader”, a ”great son” and ”inspiring”

Others called him a ”People’s hero’, the man, who pursued social reforms,

a man, ”who fought for the poor”.

Many people, including the prime minister of Barbados, mrs Mottley [who

gave a statement at the death of ex president Bouterse], called Desi Bouterse


Memorial services were being held, as in Suriname as in the Netherlands

[Suriname’s former colonizer, where many Surinamese live nowadays]

and not a few numer of people let their tears flow freely and recalled Bouterse’s 

”social engagement”

Now it is true, that in his time as president, Bouterse pursued a number of

social reforms, which meant a lot for many people in a poor country 

like Suriname, but there was handled irresponsibly with the financial

resources of the country with as a consequence, that after two periods of

presidency, Bouterse plunged Suriname into near-bankruptcy.

And not to forget:

Bouterse greatly enriched himself and his political friends at the cost

of the Surinamese people.

We call that theft and corruption!

People should realize that yet apart from the misery he brought to

thousands and thousands of young peole with the opening of

the country to the drug trade.

But there is more….

Bouterse appeared on the Surinamese political scene as the leader

of the 25 february 1980 military coup, with which he overthrew the

democratic system.

After an initial false-friendly Period, soon sordid human rights violations

made their appearance:

The death, after a suspicious police intrrogation, of alleged contra coup plotter,

the Surinamese ex KNIL [former Dutch colonial Army in then Dutch East Indies,

since 1948 Indonesia] military Fred Ormskerk [1980], the arrest and detention without trial of former politicians, the execution of contra coup plotter major Hawker, lying wounded on a brancard, [march 1982], with as one of the darkest events, the arrest and extrajudicial execution [after torture] of fifteen political opponents of

the Bouterse military regime, theDecembermurders [december 1982]!

The two courageous women’s marches as a protest against the Decembermurders must be mentioned here and deserve an honourable

page in Surinamese history!

Then major Horb, former right hand man of Bouterse, died under suspicious

circumstances in a police cell, after his arrest. [ February 1983]

After the Decembermurders, Bouterse c.s. established a dictatorship,

that would last until 1987, when the first free elections took place.

During the civil war with former bodyguard Brunswijk [leader of

the Jungle Commando], one of the worst human rights violations

under Bouterse took place:

In the maroon village Moiwana, more then 39 civilians were

killed by the National Army under responsibility of commander in Chief, Desi

Bouterse/A mass slaughter and crime against humanity!

In 1987 Bouterse established his political party NDP [that led a big defeat

at the 1987 elections!] and during the years Bouterse made himself popular

with populist and nice sounding speeches, presents to his political fans and

some social reforms.

That may be so, but fact remains, that Bouterse and co are guilty of

theft, torture, executions and mass slaughter: Crimes against humanity.

Because of the ”Saint Declaration” of Bouterse, this Letter is written.

So that his crimes will not be forgotten.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail Astrid Essed to the Ghana Report/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s Hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity[Letter to the Editor]

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail Astrid Essed to the Grenadian Voice/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/[Letter to the Editor]





Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity

Astrid Essed

Sat, Jan 11 at 4:11 AM

Letter to the Editor,

Dear Editor,

Shortly before Christmas former Surinamese president Desi Bouterse died

at the age of 79.

And almost immediately he was depicted as a sort of Saint by ”

birds of various feathers”

So in the Surinamese parliament, the ”Nationale Assemblee”,

Bouterse was called ”a courageous leader”, a ”great son” and ”inspiring”

Others called him a ”People’s hero’, the man, who pursued social reforms,

a man, ”who fought for the poor”.

Many people, including the prime minister of Barbados, mrs Mottley [who

gave a statement at the death of ex president Bouterse], called Desi Bouterse


Memorial services were being held, as in Suriname as in the Netherlands

[Suriname’s former colonizer, where many Surinamese live nowadays]

and not a few numer of people let their tears flow freely and recalled Bouterse’s 

”social engagement”

Now it is true, that in his time as president, Bouterse pursued a number of

social reforms, which meant a lot for many people in a poor country 

like Suriname, but there was handled irresponsibly with the financial

resources of the country with as a consequence, that after two periods of

presidency, Bouterse plunged Suriname into near-bankruptcy.

And not to forget:

Bouterse greatly enriched himself and his political friends at the cost

of the Surinamese people.

We call that theft and corruption!

People should realize that yet apart from the misery he brought to

thousands and thousands of young peole with the opening of

the country to the drug trade.

But there is more….

Bouterse appeared on the Surinamese political scene as the leader

of the 25 february 1980 military coup, with which he overthrew the

democratic system.

After an initial false-friendly Period, soon sordid human rights violations

made their appearance:

The death, after a suspicious police intrrogation, of alleged contra coup plotter,

the Surinamese ex KNIL [former Dutch colonial Army in then Dutch East Indies,

since 1948 Indonesia] military Fred Ormskerk [1980], the arrest and detention without trial of former politicians, the execution of contra coup plotter major Hawker, lying wounded on a brancard, [march 1982], with as one of the darkest events, the arrest and extrajudicial execution [after torture] of fifteen political opponents of

the Bouterse military regime, theDecembermurders [december 1982]!

The two courageous women’s marches as a protest against the Decembermurders must be mentioned here and deserve an honourable

page in Surinamese history!

Then major Horb, former right hand man of Bouterse, died under suspicious

circumstances in a police cell, after his arrest. [ February 1983]

After the Decembermurders, Bouterse c.s. established a dictatorship,

that would last until 1987, when the first free elections took place.

During the civil war with former bodyguard Brunswijk [leader of

the Jungle Commando], one of the worst human rights violations

under Bouterse took place:

In the maroon village Moiwana, more then 39 civilians were

killed by the National Army under responsibility of commander in Chief, Desi

Bouterse/A mass slaughter and crime against humanity!

In 1987 Bouterse established his political party NDP [that led a big defeat

at the 1987 elections!] and during the years Bouterse made himself popular

with populist and nice sounding speeches, presents to his political fans and

some social reforms.

That may be so, but fact remains, that Bouterse and co are guilty of

theft, torture, executions and mass slaughter: Crimes against humanity.

Because of the ”Saint Declaration” of Bouterse, this Letter is written.

So that his crimes will not be forgotten.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail Astrid Essed to the Grenadian Voice/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/[Letter to the Editor]

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail Astrid Essed to the Guyana Times/Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/Letter to the Editor]




Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity

Astrid Essed

Sat, Jan 11 at 4:15 AM

Letter to the Editor,

Dear Editor,

Shortly before Christmas former Surinamese president Desi Bouterse died

at the age of 79.

And almost immediately he was depicted as a sort of Saint by ”

birds of various feathers”

So in the Surinamese parliament, the ”Nationale Assemblee”,

Bouterse was called ”a courageous leader”, a ”great son” and ”inspiring”

Others called him a ”People’s hero’, the man, who pursued social reforms,

a man, ”who fought for the poor”.

Many people, including the prime minister of Barbados, mrs Mottley [who

gave a statement at the death of ex president Bouterse], called Desi Bouterse


Memorial services were being held, as in Suriname as in the Netherlands

[Suriname’s former colonizer, where many Surinamese live nowadays]

and not a few numer of people let their tears flow freely and recalled Bouterse’s 

”social engagement”

Now it is true, that in his time as president, Bouterse pursued a number of

social reforms, which meant a lot for many people in a poor country 

like Suriname, but there was handled irresponsibly with the financial

resources of the country with as a consequence, that after two periods of

presidency, Bouterse plunged Suriname into near-bankruptcy.

And not to forget:

Bouterse greatly enriched himself and his political friends at the cost

of the Surinamese people.

We call that theft and corruption!

People should realize that yet apart from the misery he brought to

thousands and thousands of young peole with the opening of

the country to the drug trade.

But there is more….

Bouterse appeared on the Surinamese political scene as the leader

of the 25 february 1980 military coup, with which he overthrew the

democratic system.

After an initial false-friendly Period, soon sordid human rights violations

made their appearance:

The death, after a suspicious police intrrogation, of alleged contra coup plotter,

the Surinamese ex KNIL [former Dutch colonial Army in then Dutch East Indies,

since 1948 Indonesia] military Fred Ormskerk [1980], the arrest and detention without trial of former politicians, the execution of contra coup plotter major Hawker, lying wounded on a brancard, [march 1982], with as one of the darkest events, the arrest and extrajudicial execution [after torture] of fifteen political opponents of

the Bouterse military regime, theDecembermurders [december 1982]!

The two courageous women’s marches as a protest against the Decembermurders must be mentioned here and deserve an honourable

page in Surinamese history!

Then major Horb, former right hand man of Bouterse, died under suspicious

circumstances in a police cell, after his arrest. [ February 1983]

After the Decembermurders, Bouterse c.s. established a dictatorship,

that would last until 1987, when the first free elections took place.

During the civil war with former bodyguard Brunswijk [leader of

the Jungle Commando], one of the worst human rights violations

under Bouterse took place:

In the maroon village Moiwana, more then 39 civilians were

killed by the National Army under responsibility of commander in Chief, Desi

Bouterse/A mass slaughter and crime against humanity!

In 1987 Bouterse established his political party NDP [that led a big defeat

at the 1987 elections!] and during the years Bouterse made himself popular

with populist and nice sounding speeches, presents to his political fans and

some social reforms.

That may be so, but fact remains, that Bouterse and co are guilty of

theft, torture, executions and mass slaughter: Crimes against humanity.

Because of the ”Saint Declaration” of Bouterse, this Letter is written.

So that his crimes will not be forgotten.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands




8 JANUARY 2025

Your Eyewitness must say he was quite dumbfounded when he read the tributes of the Guyanese delegation to the funeral of ex-Surinamese dictator Desi Bouterse. Your Eyewitness is quite aware that we Guyanese – as good colonial subjects – imbibed the British stiff upper lip tradition expressed in Latin, “De mortuis nil, nisi bonnum – of the dead, speak only the good”. But jeez, our delegates were so over the top!! “One of the Caribbean’s great souls”, crooned ex-president Donald Ramotar!! Doesn’t say much about the Caribbean of Loverture and Cuffy, does it??!!
Criticising Western nations’ support for Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza and Ukraine’s stance against Russia, Ramotar declared, “It is those same morally bankrupt and decadent politicians that have persecuted Comrade Bouterse. Those are the same ones that persecuted and accused him of all types of things.”
Now, whatever else Bouterse might’ve achieved, can the Guyanese politicos who offered those peans to his glory forget he was CONVICTED by a Surinamese Court of ordering the 1982 round up, torture and murder of FIFTEEN civil society critics – including lawyers, journalists, and a university professor – of his 1980 “Sergeants’ coup”, that led to a seven-year military dictatorship??
The former dictator had conceded “political responsibility”, but had insisted that since he wasn’t present for the killings – known as the “December murders – he shouldn’t be prosecuted.” He had unsuccessfully tried to push through an amnesty law after being elected in 2010. Then, in 2016, he had ordered Suriname’s Attorney General to halt legal proceedings for alleged “national security” reasons. A court rejected that.
All of us know that there’s no morality in international politics, where nations cold-bloodedly pursue their interests; but, surely, we gotta draw the line somewhere when it comes to political leaders murdering their own citizens for merely expressing their opinions.
To say – as the Guyanese ex-president did – that Bouterse was for the ordinary working people, and then use this as an excuse for canonising him as a national hero is really too much.
Would he say the same about Forbes Burnham, whom a Commission of Inquiry concluded was responsible for the assassination of Walter Rodney?? Burnham was also for “the little man”, wasn’t he?? And he wasn’t actually at Bent and George Streets when Gregory Smith detonated that bomb which blew away Rodney’s face, was he??
Most interestingly, Joseph Harmon – who had been a major in the GDF then – said Burnham had picked him to discuss an “international issue” with Bouterse – the Suriname military dictator!! “From that day onwards, we have had long meetings,” reminisced Harmon fondly.
After a 2004 MOU signed between Bouterse’s party and the PNC, according to Wikileaks, Bouterse’s son took weapons into Buxton!!

…on Exxon’s reach??
Your Eyewitness is surprised at the continued war of attrition being waged by a recalcitrant minority to force the Government to “force” Exxon to the “renegotiation table”!! Yet, these are the same people who snicker at Cheddi Jagan’s “naivete” in denouncing the Americans as “imperialists” who were sucking out our wealth and enriching themselves. Now, your Eyewitness has emphasized that, with changed circumstances, the reactions of countries may also change. For example, by 1990, Gorbachev’s Glasnost had made Cheddi acceptable to the Yanks – cause their interests weren’t threatened no mo’.
But ideological affinity ain’t the only interest, and in fact mightn’t even be the most important one to the Yanks. American business was, is, and will always be numero uno – around which all others revolve. So, do these “negotiators” think Exxon does not influence its government when it comes to protecting its interests in an age where energy security trumps all?? Remember Tillerton??
And please…we’re no Canada, or even Newfoundland, when it comes to breaking the sanctity of contracts!!

In explaining its stubborn efforts to forge a coalition of opposition parties to contest the 2025 General Elections, the remnants of Rodney’s party admitted their motivation: “WPA realistically cannot win an election on its own”!!
You think ever?

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail Astrid Essed to the Guyana Times/Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/Letter to the Editor]

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail Astrid Essed to the Guyana Chronicle/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/[Letter to the Editor]




Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity

Astrid Essed

Sat, Jan 11 at 3:45 AM

Letter to the Editor,

Dear Editor,

Shortly before Christmas former Surinamese president Desi Bouterse died

at the age of 79.

And almost immediately he was depicted as a sort of Saint by ”

birds of various feathers”

So in the Surinamese parliament, the ”Nationale Assemblee”,

Bouterse was called ”a courageous leader”, a ”great son” and ”inspiring”

Others called him a ”People’s hero’, the man, who pursued social reforms,

a man, ”who fought for the poor”.

Many people, including the prime minister of Barbados, mrs Mottley [who

gave a statement at the death of ex president Bouterse], called Desi Bouterse


Memorial services were being held, as in Suriname as in the Netherlands

[Suriname’s former colonizer, where many Surinamese live nowadays]

and not a few numer of people let their tears flow freely and recalled Bouterse’s 

”social engagement”

Now it is true, that in his time as president, Bouterse pursued a number of

social reforms, which meant a lot for many people in a poor country 

like Suriname, but there was handled irresponsibly with the financial

resources of the country with as a consequence, that after two periods of

presidency, Bouterse plunged Suriname into near-bankruptcy.

And not to forget:

Bouterse greatly enriched himself and his political friends at the cost

of the Surinamese people.

We call that theft and corruption!

People should realize that yet apart from the misery he brought to

thousands and thousands of young peole with the opening of

the country to the drug trade.

But there is more….

Bouterse appeared on the Surinamese political scene as the leader

of the 25 february 1980 military coup, with which he overthrew the

democratic system.

After an initial false-friendly Period, soon sordid human rights violations

made their appearance:

The death, after a suspicious police intrrogation, of alleged contra coup plotter,

the Surinamese ex KNIL [former Dutch colonial Army in then Dutch East Indies,

since 1948 Indonesia] military Fred Ormskerk [1980], the arrest and detention without trial of former politicians, the execution of contra coup plotter major Hawker, lying wounded on a brancard, [march 1982], with as one of the darkest events, the arrest and extrajudicial execution [after torture] of fifteen political opponents of

the Bouterse military regime, theDecembermurders [december 1982]!

The two courageous women’s marches as a protest against the Decembermurders must be mentioned here and deserve an honourable

page in Surinamese history!

Then major Horb, former right hand man of Bouterse, died under suspicious

circumstances in a police cell, after his arrest. [ February 1983]

After the Decembermurders, Bouterse c.s. established a dictatorship,

that would last until 1987, when the first free elections took place.

During the civil war with former bodyguard Brunswijk [leader of

the Jungle Commando], one of the worst human rights violations

under Bouterse took place:

In the maroon village Moiwana, more then 39 civilians were

killed by the National Army under responsibility of commander in Chief, Desi

Bouterse/A mass slaughter and crime against humanity!

In 1987 Bouterse established his political party NDP [that led a big defeat

at the 1987 elections!] and during the years Bouterse made himself popular

with populist and nice sounding speeches, presents to his political fans and

some social reforms.

That may be so, but fact remains, that Bouterse and co are guilty of

theft, torture, executions and mass slaughter: Crimes against humanity.

Because of the ”Saint Declaration” of Bouterse, this Letter is written.

So that his crimes will not be forgotten.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail Astrid Essed to the Guyana Chronicle/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/[Letter to the Editor]

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail Astrid Essed to the Jamaica Gleaner/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity”/[Letter to the Editor]




Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity

Astrid Essed

Fri, Jan 10 at 3:01 PM

Letter to the Editor,

Dear Editor,

Shortly before Christmas former Surinamese president Desi Bouterse died

at the age of 79.

And almost immediately he was depicted as a sort of Saint by ”

birds of various feathers”

So in the Surinamese parliament, the ”Nationale Assemblee”,

Bouterse was called ”a courageous leader”, a ”great son” and ”inspiring”

Others called him a ”People’s hero’, the man, who pursued social reforms,

a man, ”who fought for the poor”.

Many people, including the prime minister of Barbados, mrs Mottley [who

gave a statement at the death of ex president Bouterse], called Desi Bouterse


Memorial services were being held, as in Suriname as in the Netherlands

[Suriname’s former colonizer, where many Surinamese live nowadays]

and not a few numer of people let their tears flow freely and recalled Bouterse’s 

”social engagement”

Now it is true, that in his time as president, Bouterse pursued a number of

social reforms, which meant a lot for many people in a poor country 

like Suriname, but there was handled irresponsibly with the financial

resources of the country with as a consequence, that after two periods of

presidency, Bouterse plunged Suriname into near-bankruptcy.

And not to forget:

Bouterse greatly enriched himself and his political friends at the cost

of the Surinamese people.

We call that theft and corruption!

People should realize that yet apart from the misery he brought to

thousands and thousands of young peole with the opening of

the country to the drug trade.

But there is more….

Bouterse appeared on the Surinamese political scene as the leader

of the 25 february 1980 military coup, with which he overthrew the

democratic system.

After an initial false-friendly Period, soon sordid human rights violations

made their appearance:

The death, after a suspicious police intrrogation, of alleged contra coup plotter,

the Surinamese ex KNIL [former Dutch colonial Army in then Dutch East Indies,

since 1948 Indonesia] military Fred Ormskerk [1980], the arrest and detention without trial of former politicians, the execution of contra coup plotter major Hawker, lying wounded on a brancard, [march 1982], with as one of the darkest events, the arrest and extrajudicial execution [after torture] of fifteen political opponents of

the Bouterse military regime, theDecembermurders [december 1982]!

The two courageous women’s marches as a protest against the Decembermurders must be mentioned here and deserve an honourable

page in Surinamese history!

Then major Horb, former right hand man of Bouterse, died under suspicious

circumstances in a police cell, after his arrest. [ February 1983]

After the Decembermurders, Bouterse c.s. established a dictatorship,

that would last until 1987, when the first free elections took place.

During the civil war with former bodyguard Brunswijk [leader of

the Jungle Commando], one of the worst human rights violations

under Bouterse took place:

In the maroon village Moiwana, more then 39 civilians were

killed by the National Army under responsibility of commander in Chief, Desi

Bouterse/A mass slaughter and crime against humanity!

In 1987 Bouterse established his political party NDP [that led a big defeat

at the 1987 elections!] and during the years Bouterse made himself popular

with populist and nice sounding speeches, presents to his political fans and

some social reforms.

That may be so, but fact remains, that Bouterse and co are guilty of

theft, torture, executions and mass slaughter: Crimes against humanity.

Because of the ”Saint Declaration” of Bouterse, this Letter is written.

So that his crimes will not be forgotten.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail Astrid Essed to the Jamaica Gleaner/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity”/[Letter to the Editor]

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Mail Astrid Essed to the newspaper Barbados Today/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/[Letter to the Editor]




Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero”/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity

Astrid Essed

Fri, Jan 10 at 2:01 PM

Letter to the Editor,

Dear Editor,

Shortly before Christmas former Surinamese president Desi Bouterse died

at the age of 79.

And almost immediately he was depicted as a sort of Saint by ”

birds of various feathers”

So in the Surinamese parliament, the ”Nationale Assemblee”,

Bouterse was called ”a courageous leader”, a ”great son” and ”inspiring”

Others called him a ”People’s hero’, the man, who pursued social reforms,

a man, ”who fought for the poor”.

Many people, including the prime minister of Barbados, mrs Mottley [who

gave a statement at the death of ex president Bouterse], called Desi Bouterse


Memorial services were being held, as in Suriname as in the Netherlands

[Suriname’s former colonizer, where many Surinamese live nowadays]

and not a few numer of people let their tears flow freely and recalled Bouterse’s 

”social engagement”

Now it is true, that in his time as president, Bouterse pursued a number of

social reforms, which meant a lot for many people in a poor country 

like Suriname, but there was handled irresponsibly with the financial

resources of the country with as a consequence, that after two periods of

presidency, Bouterse plunged Suriname into near-bankruptcy.

And not to forget:

Bouterse greatly enriched himself and his political friends at the cost

of the Surinamese people.

We call that theft and corruption!

People should realize that yet apart from the misery he brought to

thousands and thousands of young peole with the opening of

the country to the drug trade.

But there is more….

Bouterse appeared on the Surinamese political scene as the leader

of the 25 february 1980 military coup, with which he overthrew the

democratic system.

After an initial false-friendly Period, soon sordid human rights violations

made their appearance:

The death, after a suspicious police intrrogation, of alleged contra coup plotter,

the Surinamese ex KNIL [former Dutch colonial Army in then Dutch East Indies,

since 1948 Indonesia] military Fred Ormskerk [1980], the arrest and detention without trial of former politicians, the execution of contra coup plotter major Hawker [march 1982], with as one of the darkest events, the arrest and extrajudicial execution [after torture] of fifteen political opponents of

the Bouterse military regime, theDecembermurders [december 1982]!

The two courageous women’s marches as a protest against the Decembermurders must be mentioned here and deserve an honourable

page in Surinamese history!

Then major Horb, former right hand man of Bouterse, died under suspicious

circumstances in a police cell, after his arrest. [ February 1983]

After the Decembermurders, Bouterse c.s. established a dictatorship,

that would last until 1987, when the first free elections took place.

During the civil war with former bodyguard Brunswijk [leader of

the Jungle Commando], one of the worst human rights violations

under Bouterse took place:

In the maroon village Moiwana, more then 39 civilians were

killed by the National Army under responsibility of commander in Chief, Desi

Bouterse/A mass slaughter and crime against humanity!

In 1987 Bouterse established his political party NDP [that led a big defeat

at the 1987 elections!] and during the years Bouterse made himself popular

with populist and nice sounding speeches, presents to his political fans and

some social reforms.

That may be so, but fact remains, that Bouterse and co are guilty of

theft, torture, executions and mass slaughter: Crimes against humanity.

Because of the ”Saint Declaration” of Bouterse, this Letter is written.

So that his crimes will not be forgotten.

Astrid Essed


The Netherlands

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mail Astrid Essed to the newspaper Barbados Today/”Desi Bouterse is no ”People’s hero/Thief/Dictator/Criminal against humanity/[Letter to the Editor]

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Publicatie door de Ware Tijd!/Desi Bouterse geen ”volksheld”


Deze foto van de tweede grote vrouwenmars in Paramaribo, vorige week donderdag, is nu pas naar buiten gekomen. De politie dreef de betogers op het onafhankelijkheidsplein uiteen. (Nieuws van de Dag, 22 december 1982)DAPPERE VROUWEN, DIE  NA DE DECEMBERMOORDEN,HET AANDURFDEN DE STRAAT OP TE GAAN OM TE PROTESTEREN!

Monument op Fort Zeelandia, op 8 december 2009 onthuld door president Ronald Venetiaan



7 JANUARI 2025


Kort vóór Kerstmis overleed ex-president Desi Bouterse op 79-jarige leeftijd. En vrijwel direct na zijn overlijden kreeg hij door vogels van diverse pluimage een bijna ‘heiligenstatus’ toebedeeld. Zo werd er in De Nationale Assemblee [het Surinaamse parlement] gesproken over Bouterse als “moedige leider”, “grote zoon” en “inspirerend”. Anderen weer zagen hem als “volksheld”, de man, die sociale hervormingen doorvoer en “vocht” voor de armen.

Er werden herdenkingsbijeenkomsten georganiseerd, zowel in Suriname als in Nederland en een niet onaanzienlijk aantal mensen liet hun tranen de vrije loop en memoreerde zijn sociale inzet. Nu was het inderdaad zo dat tijdens de regeerperiode van Bouterse als president een aantal sociale verbeteringen is doorgevoerd, die in een arm land als Suriname zeker verlichting boden, maar er werd onverantwoordelijk met ’s lands financiële middelen omgesprongen, waardoor Bouterse Suriname na twee regeerperioden praktisch bankroet achterliet.

“Vanwege de ‘heiligverklaring’ van Bouterse is dit stuk geschreven. Opdat zijn misdaden en de rampzalige stempel, die hij op Suriname heeft gedrukt, niet worden vergeten”

Daarbij verrijkte hij zichzelf en zijn politieke vrienden enorm, waardoor hij het Surinaamse volk schandalig heeft bestolen. Dat zouden de mensen zich moeten realiseren, nog afgezien van de ellende, die hij over duizenden jongeren heeft gebracht door de openstelling van Suriname voor de drugshandel.

Maar er is meer: Bouterse verscheen op Surinames politieke toneel als leider van de militaire coup op 25 februari 1980, waarmee hij het democratische staatsbestel omverwierp. Na een aanvankelijk vals-vriendelijk gezicht kwamen al snel kwalijke mensenrechtenschendingen:

De dood, na een verdacht politieverhoor van would be tegencouppleger, de Surinaamse ex-KNIL-militair Fred Ormskerk [1980], arrestatie en opsluiting zonder vorm van proces van voormalige politieke leiders, de executie van de gewonde op een brancard liggende tegencouper sergeant majoor Hawker [maart 1982], met als dieptepunt de standrechtelijke executie van vijftien politieke tegenstanders van het militaire regime-Bouterse, de zogenoemde Decembermoorden.

Niet uitvlakken wil ik hier het moedige verpleegstersprotest daags na de Decembermoorden. Ook overleed een voormalig medestander en rechterhand van Bouterse, majoor Horb, onder verdachte omstandigheden in een politiecel [1983].

Bouterse cs vestigden een dictatuur, die zou voortduren tot de eerste verkiezingen in 1987. In de met Brunswijk [leider Jungle Commando] uitgevochten Binnenlandse Oorlog zijn in het marrondorp Moiwana onder verantwoordelijkheid van Bouterse als legerbevelhebber meer dan 39 burgers gedood. Een massaslachting dus.

Na een aantal jaren richtte Desi Bouterse zijn partij de NDP op, maakte zich populair door mooie toespraken en enkele doorgevoerde sociale verbeteringen. Laat niet onverlet, dat Bouterse en co zich schuldig hebben gemaakt aan foltering, diefstal, executies en massamoord; misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.

Vanwege de ‘heiligverklaring’ van Bouterse is dit stuk geschreven. Opdat zijn misdaden en de rampzalige stempel, die hij op Suriname heeft gedrukt, niet worden vergeten.

Astrid Essed

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Publicatie door de Ware Tijd!/Desi Bouterse geen ”volksheld”

Opgeslagen onder Divers

Desi Bouterse geen ”volksheld”/Dief/Dictator/Misdadiger tegen de menselijkheid [Ingezonden Stuk]


Deze foto van de tweede grote vrouwenmars in Paramaribo, vorige week donderdag, is nu pas naar buiten gekomen. De politie dreef de betogers op het onafhankelijkheidsplein uiteen. (Nieuws van de Dag, 22 december 1982)DAPPERE VROUWEN, DIE  NA DE DECEMBERMOORDEN,HET AANDURFDEN DE STRAAT OP TE GAAN OM TE PROTESTEREN!

Monument op Fort Zeelandia, op 8 december 2009 onthuld door president Ronald Venetiaan




Beste Lezers

Daar is ze weer

Uw ”Wreker tegen het Onrecht”

Ook dit Jaar gaan we er weer vol tegenop!

En we beginnen met een Oude, maar Nare ”Bekende”,

Baas B, oftewel de Surinaamse ex-president D. Bouterse, die

vlak voor Kerstmis 2024 is overleden [1]

U weet wel, de ex coupist, legerbevelhebber en dictator, die

voor zijn presidentschap verantwoordelijk was voor foltering,

terreur en executies, waaronder de Decembermoorden, waarvoor

hij uiteindelijk ook is veroordeeld [2]

Ik zag zijn overlijden als een afsluiting van een van de meest nare 

periodes uit de recente Surinaamse geschiedenis ,ook al was er niet ECHT gerechtigheid 

geschied, omdat Bouterse na zijn veroordeling op de vlucht was geslagen

en het, althans voor het grote publiek en de journalistiek,

niet duidelijk was, waar hij zich bevond. [3]

Maar wie schetst mijn verbazing, dat vrijwel direct over Bouterse, van wie je

op zijn ”aardigst” kunt zeggen, dat hij zeer omstreden was [4], de Loftrompet

werd gezwaaid! 

Zo werd in het Surinaamse Parlement, de Nationale Assemblee, gesproken

over de ”idealen van Bouterse”, werd hij een ”grote zoon van het land” genoemd, een ”vastberaden leider” en ga zo maar door [5]

Ook werd door allerlei lieden zijn lof gezongen vanwege zijn vermeende

inzet voor het volk, hoewel er ook wel kritiek te horen was [6]

Maar uit alles bleek, hoe kort het geheugen der mensen is [7]

Herdenkingsbijeenkomsten werden zowel in Suriname als in

Nederland georganiseerd alsof het hier een tweede Martin Luther

King betrof! [8]

Ik raakte hierdoor zo getergd, dat ik besloot op te staan en de Bouta slachtoffers

te wreken [9] en niet alleen hen:

Maar ook alle Narigheid, die Bouterse over Suriname had gebracht door eerst

[en dat is waar] sociale hervormingen in te voeren, die weliswaar voor

verlichting zorgden [eerlijk is eerlijk], maar zo buitensporig om te gaan met

’s lands financien, dat het land dan nu-met dank aan Bouterse- bijna

bankroet is! 

Zie maar noot 10

En dat ”Wreken” heb ik gedaan door middel van een Ingezonden Stuk,

dat zowel naar Nederlandse als Surinaamse kranten is gestuurd

Zie onder noot 11 drie voorbeelden

Of de kranten en dan met name de Surinaamse, onder het nog steeds

voortdurende klimaat van intimidatie [12] ook de guts hebben, mijn

Ingezonden Stuk te publiceren, weet ik natuurlijk niet, maar in ieder

geval het Stuk met u gedeeld!

Zie direct onder P/S, onder het Notenapparaat














Geachte Redactie,

Kort voor Kerstmis overleed ex president Desi Bouterse op 79 jarige leeftijd.

En vrijwel direct na zijn overlijden kreeg hij door vogels van diverse pluimage,

een bijna ‘heiligenstatus” toebedeeld. 

Zo werd er in de Nationale Assemblee [het Surinaamse parlement], gesproken

over Bouterse als ”moedige leider”, ”grote zoon” en ”inspirerend”

Anderen weer zagen hem als ”volksheld”, de man, die sociale hervormingen

doorvoer en ”vocht” voor de armen.

Er werden herdenkingsbijeenkomsten georganiseerd, zowel in Suriname

als in Nederland en een niet onaanzienlijk aantal mensen liet hun tranen

de vrije loop, en memoreerde zijn sociale inzet.

Nu was het inderdaad zo, dat tijdens de regeerperiode

van Bouterse als president een aantal sociale verbeteringen is doorgevoerd,

die in een arm land als Suriname zeker verlichting boden, maar er werd

onverantwoordelijk met ’s lands financiele middelen omgesprongen, waardoor

Bouterse Suriname na twee regeerperioden praktisch bankroet achterliet.

Daarbij verrijkte hij zichzelf en zijn politieke vrienden enorm, waardoor hij

het Surinaamse volk schandalig heeft bestolen.

Dat zouden de mensen zich moeten realiseren, nog afgezien van de

ellende, die hij over duizenden jongeren heeft gebracht door de openstelling

van Suriname voor de drugshandel.

Maar er is meer:

Bouterse verscheen op Suriname’s politieke toneel als leider van de 

militaire coup op 25 februari 1980, waarmee hij het democratische staatsbestel


Na een aanvankelijk vals-vriendelijk gezicht kwamen al snel kwalijke


De dood, na een verdacht politieverhoor van would be tegencouppleger de Surinaamse ex KNIL militair Ormskirk [1980], arrestatie en opsluiting zonder vorm van proces van voormalige politieke leiders, de executie van de gewonde op een brancard liggende tegencouper sergeant majoor Hawker [maart 1982],

met als dieptepunt de standrechtelijke executie van 15 politieke tegenstanders

van het militaire regime Bouterse, de zgn Decembermoorden.

Niet uitvlakken wil ik hier het moedige verpleegstersprotest daags na de Decembermoorden

Ook overleed een voormalig medestander en rechterhand van Bouterse, 

majoor Horb onder verdachte omstandigheden in een politiecel [1983]

Bouterse c.s. vestigden een dictatuur, die zou voortduren tot de eerste verkiezingen in 1987.

In de met Brunswijk [leider Junglecommando] uitgevochten Binnenlandse Oorlog zijn in het marrondorp Moiwana onder verantwoordelijkheid van

Bouterse als legerbevelhebber meer dan 39 burgers gedood. Een massaslachting dus.

Na een aantal jaren richtte D. Bouterse zijn partij de NDP op, maakte

zich populair door mooie toespraken en enkele doorgevoerde sociale verbeteringen.

Laat niet onverlet, dat Bouterse en co zich schuldig hebben gemaakt aan

foltering, diefstal, executies en massamoord/Misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.

Vanwege de ”heiligverklaring” van Bouterse is dit Stuk geschreven.

Opdat zijn misdaden en het rampzalige stempel, dat hij op Suriname heeft

gedrukt, niet worden vergeten

Astrid Essed


Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Desi Bouterse geen ”volksheld”/Dief/Dictator/Misdadiger tegen de menselijkheid [Ingezonden Stuk]

Opgeslagen onder Divers






Aanhangers van de overleden oud-president Desi Bouterse hebben hem de avond voor zijn crematie herdacht op het partijcentrum van de Nationale Democratische Partij (NDP) in Paramaribo. Daarbij werd aanwezige journalisten gevraagd om in het centrum geen woorden als ‘moordenaar’ en ‘veroordeelde’ te gebruiken in hun live verslagen en bij interviews met aanwezigen.

Volgens een woordvoerder van de partij “kon niet worden ingestaan voor de veiligheid van de pers” als deze woorden worden gebruikt in de buurt van de aanhangers van Bouterse. De Surinaamse nieuwswebsite Starnieuws besloot na deze mededeling geen liveverslag meer te doen van de herdenking.

“Er kunnen geen instructies worden geaccepteerd over op welke manier journalisten hun werk moeten doen. Dit komt neer op pure censuur”, schrijft de nieuwswebsite. “Starnieuws zal verslag blijven doen van de ceremoniën omdat het publiek geïnformeerd dient te worden, maar accepteert de voorwaarden van de NDP niet. Censuur kan nimmer worden getolereerd.” De krant de Ware Tijd besloot eveneens geen liveverslag meer bij te houden via hun website vanwege de beperkingen.

‘Garant staan voor ordelijk verloop’

Ook de NOS kreeg de instructies. Binnen het partijcentrum werd geadviseerd de woorden niet te gebruiken, daarbuiten was dat volgens de NDP-woordvoerder wel mogelijk. Volgens hem was dat geen beperking van de persrechten, maar wil de partij “garant staan voor een ordelijk en goed verloop” van de ceremoniën in het partijcentrum.

Nadat Starnieuws en De Ware Tijd hadden bericht over de instructies en hun gedeeltelijke boycot, reageerde de NDP dat er sprake was van een misverstand. “Wij betreuren het dat bij het gesprek tussen de persoon die verantwoordelijk was voor de accreditatie van de media en de mediahuizen, het als een vorm van censuur is overgebracht en bieden wij onze oprechte verontschuldigingen aan. Vanuit de partij is er nimmer instructie gegeven voor enige beperking aan de media.”

Volgens de partij waren de richtlijnen “uitsluitend gericht op het garanderen van een respectvol en ordelijk verloop, gezien de emoties die gepaard gaan met deze gebeurtenis”. Starnieuws heeft de verontschuldiging van de NDP geaccepteerd.


In Suriname wordt verdeeld gedacht over de oud-president en legerleider. Tegenstanders zijn vooral boos over de Decembermoorden van 1982. Daar werden onder leiding van toenmalige legerleider Bouterse vijftien mensen gemarteld en vermoord. Hij werd er uiteindelijk eind 2023 voor veroordeeld tot een gevangenisstraf van twintig jaar, maar vluchtte. Zijn voorstanders prijzen hem juist als een sterke en charismatische leider die veel geld uitgaf aan sociale projecten.

De zogenoemde singi neti wordt de avond voor de begrafenis of crematie van een Surinaamse persoon gehouden. Er worden herinneringen opgehaald en er wordt gezongen.

De kist van de oud-president was er nog niet, die wordt vandaag rond 21.00 uur Nederlandse tijd in het partijkantoor neergezet na een tocht door de stad. Mensen kunnen dan in een stoet langs de opgebaarde Bouterse lopen om afscheid te nemen. Daarna volgt rond middernacht Nederlandse tijd de crematie.

Verslaggever Danny Simons in Paramaribo:

“In het partijcentrum waren geen tegenstanders en ook buiten bij het centrum was het rustig.

Honderden van de aanhangers van Bouterse waren op de ceremonie afgekomen. Dat is een gemêleerd publiek. Oudere en jongere mensen en mensen van verschillende etnische groepen. Er waren buiten kraampjes opgezet met eten en drinken voor hen en het leek haast wel een feest.”

Onder meer vanwege zijn veroordeling, heeft de Surinaamse regering besloten Bouterse geen staatsbegrafenis te geven. Er is geen condoleanceregister opengesteld door de regering en er zijn geen ceremoniën vanuit de staat. Wel hangen de vlaggen van regeringsgebouwen vandaag halfstok en is minister Landvreugd van Binnenlandse Zaken op verzoek van de familie bij de uitvaart aanwezig.

Minister Ramdin van Buitenlandse Zaken vroeg het Surinaamse volk “fatsoen en waardigheid te tonen” en zei dat “elke overledene een respectvolle begrafenis verdient”.

Gisteravond werd al een kleinere singi neti gehouden in Amsterdam-Zuidoost, daarop kwamen tientallen aanhangers van Bouterse af.


Reacties uitgeschakeld voor NOOT 12/GEEN HEILIGENSTATUS VOOR SCHURK!

Opgeslagen onder Divers






Reacties uitgeschakeld voor NOOT 11/GEEN HEILIGENSTATUS VOOR SCHURK!

Opgeslagen onder Divers