To begin with the last sentence of the article:
Tsipras did NOT serve his country well, because he accepted
the EU deal from hell, strangling the Greek people still
more than the former ”deals” This is the reality:
The EU deal [Agreekment] includes: 13 percent VAT on elementary
supplies, against 6 percent in a relatively rich country like the
Netherlands, further cutting in pensions, which were already brought to half:
Selling out of Greek State assets, which will not benefit the State or people
[the supposed 50 miljard revenue will go half to the Greek banks, a quarter
to the creditors and only a quarter to the Greek State], freezing of the
collective labour agreements, chaining of the right to strike and a severe
violation of Greek sovereignty [all ”relevant” draft legislation must be shown
and approved by the Trojka before going to parliament], which reduces
Greece to a colony. And what did the former EU/Trojka austerity measures
to Greece before? Low wages, cutting of pensions, one third of the
population unemployed, bad entrance to [expensive] medicines, an increase
of suicides, children fainting in the schools. A collective punishment
for poor people, who did not cause the crisis, but pay the price!
The crisis, which is caused by the irresponsibility of banks like
Goldman and Sachs, the corruption of Greek governments and the
Greek elite, which barely pays taxes! And by the way: The EU,
especially Germany profited from Greece in the past, they knew from
the Greek corruption, but said nothing before…..
The only real service Tsipras should have done to his people
were to respect OXI and NOT consent to this deal of the Devil.
Better than this damaging, humiliating deal, which destroys
the Greek people in each case.
Grexit would be hard, but Greece probably would recover
after a couple of years and in each case should have taken
their fate in their own hands.
And Grexit will eventually happen anyway,that”s inevitable,
with the monstrous EU financial demands.
With it’s fate in it’s own hands, Greece can turn to other
countries like Russia and China, with their own interests
to provide Greece.
And Greece will show an example for other Trojka suffering countries
like Spain and Portugal to liberate itself from EU/German imperialism
and go their own way.
Greek people, fight!
Astrid Essed/Amsterdam/The Netherlands