21 En Aäron zal beide zijn handen op het hoofd van den levenden bok leggen, en zal daarop al de ongerechtigheden der kinderen Israëls, en al hun overtredingen, naar al hun zonden, belijden; en hij zal die op het hoofd des boks leggen, en zal hem door de hand eens mans, die voorhanden is, naar de woestijn uitlaten.

22 Alzo zal die bok op zich al hun ongerechtigheden in een afgezonderd land wegdragen; en hij zal dien bok in de woestijn uitlaten.

23 Daarna zal Aäron komen in de tent der samenkomst, en zal de linnen klederen uitdoen, die hij aangedaan had, als hij in het heilige ging, en hij zal ze daar laten.”

LEVITICUS 16: 21-23

OUDE TESTAMENT,hij%20zal%20ze%20daar%20laten.





”Racism and antisemitism were basic tenets of the Nazi Party and the Nazi regime. Nazi Germany’s racial policy was based on their belief in the existence of a superior master race. The Nazis postulated the existence of a racial conflict between the Aryan master race and inferior races, particularly Jews, who were viewed as a mixed race that had infiltrated society and were responsible for the exploitation and repression of the Aryan race.”









[1.00][Onheilspellende muziek][2.08]”The campaign in Poland gave us the opportunity to really get toknow the Jewish people.[Geluidspauze, met beelden][2.20]”Nearly four million Jews live here in Poland.But they won’t be found among the rural population.Nor have they suffered from the chaos of war as have the native Poles.They settled out (?) indifferently in the gloomish hoods (?0 of the Polishghetto.within an hour after the German occupation they were back in business.”[2.45][Onheilspellende muziek][3.06]”We Gernans have looked at the Polish ghetto 25 years ago.This time our eyes are sharpened by our experience in the lastfew decades.[3.20]”Unlike in 1914, we no longer see just the most grotesque and comical ofthese questionable ghetto figures.[3.29]This time we recognize that there’s a plague here.A plague that threatens the health of the aryan peoples.Richard Wagner once said:”The Jew is the demon behind the corruption of Mankind.And these pictures prove it. [3.45]
[Onheilspellende muziek met beelden][4.12]”Jewish homelife reveals remarkable lack of  creative….civilise.In plain language:Jewish dwellings are filthy and neglected.[4.33]These Jews are”nt at all poor.After decades of business they’ve wardered enough to acquire decent,confortable homes.But they live for generations in the same dirty and ….ridden dwellings.Untroubled by their surroundings, they go right on with theirprayers.The….is part of the ritual of reading Jewish Scriptures.The main part of Jewish so called community life takes placein the street. [5.22]………….
[][Onheispellende muziek met beelden][9.55]”….this ….children as a sign of great poverty, but watch them awhile.And it becomes clear that their…..are grown ups too.These young people have no ideals……but then the egoism ofthe individual is not a service of higher common goals.Instead, Jewish morality in….contradiction of the aryan concept of ethics, proclaims the unrestrained egoism of every Jew to be divine law.His religion makes cheating and usering a duty.In the fifth Book of Moses for example, it is stated, that a non Jew may….upon usery, but not thy brother.That the Lord may blessed thee in all lighy lengths.For the Jews then, doing business is something holy.This is totally incomprehensible to non Jews.Aryan man attaches a sense of worth to every activity, he wants tocreate something worthwile, food or clothing, houses or machines[11.18]………..[11.25]”Works of art or anything else of value,to everyone.He’s ruled by the feeling of being responsible for his achievements.[11.35][Mars en heroische muziek]……..[11.59]For the Jew is but one thing of value:Money.How he gets it, makes no difference.The first trade goods, a generally…trash ofall sorts.That’s how the little Jew start up.So they raised the point where they can sell from a trey…[?] and before long they assembled the complete lineof goods[12.23-12.30, muziek, raar gezoem]”Not long after they own a regular stand. The most ambitious soon own a small shop and then a bigger shop.[12.38-12.46, onheilspellende muziek][12.47]The most cunning, that is the most unscrupulous, eventually have warehouses and banks and move into the most splendid mansions in the cities, provided that they don’t get into each other’s way as in the narrow ghetto’s in the East.[13.00-13.09, pauze, muziek][13.09]”That’s why they try to escape to rich lands with rich people.”[13.12-13.21]……….[13.36]”……Peoples because they need the wares with which to do business….”[, Pauze, muziek][13.44]”…Aryan peoples find a value, has been reduced by the Jew to meremerchandise.He buys and sells, but produces nothing.[13.53-13.59][13.59]”The production he leaves to the workers and farmers of the host nation”…………[14.49-14.55, muziek]'[‘14.56]Jews are a people without farmers or workers, a race of parasites [15.00]………[Onheilspellende Geluiden][15.13] Wherever the body of a Nation shows a wound, they achor themselvesand feed under under the …..organism.They make business out the sickness of the nations and therefore [15.20]….deeper and prolong all conditions of sickness.That’s how it is Poland and was in Germany.The Jews have been this way throughout their entire history.Their faces bear the….features of the perpetual spon….the Eternal Jew,who, in the course of time and worldwide wanderings is always been the sameThere is no difference between these Jews in Poland and those in Palestine,though the two are geographically separated. [16.00][Onheilspellende muziek]”[16.26] Palestine is the spiritual centre of International Jewry, though theJews are numerically insignificant there.Here, at the Wailing Wall, they gather and mourn the Fall of Jerusalem[16.40][Onheilspellende muziek][16.51]”Their homelessness though is a a matter of choice and in….keeping….their entire history.[16.58]Four thousand years ago their Hebrew ancestors were alreadywandering.[17.03]Out of the land of Two Rivers they wandered along the sea to Egyptwhere they ran a lucrative ….business for a while, when the country farmersand other Egyptians rose against the foreign users [?] .and speculators.They wandered once more, and plundered their way to the Promised Land.They settled there, mercilessly looting the culturally superior rightfulinhabitants.Here, in the course of centuries, from the oriental far eastern racial mixture,with……mixture, the ultimate mongolized Jews developed.Foreign for most Europeans, born out totally different racial elements, theydiffer from us inm body and above all in soul.17.48-19.00
[Vertaald uit het Duits naar het Engels]”We probably would never been bothered by them, had they stayed in their Oriental Home.But the cosmopolitan Empire of Alexander the Great, ranging from the Far East to across after the Mediterranian,[18.03] and especially the boundless World Empire of the Romans brought about the evolution of the trade and migratory trades of the Jews, who soon spread acrossthe open Mediterranian area, where some of them settled in the large urban trafficand trade centres of the Mediterranian area.[18.25]Others wandered relentlessly all across Spain, France, Southern Germany and England.[18.32]Everywhere they made themselves unwelcome.[18.36]In Spain and France the people rose openly against them in the thirteenth and fourteenthcentury.[18.42]And they wandered on, mainly to Germany.There they followed the path of the aryan culture….Germans, colonizing the Easttill they finally found the gigantic new untapped reservoir in the Polish and Russian sections of Eastern Europe.” [19.00]




As part of its heightened wartime attack on Jews, the Ministry of Propaganda turned to motion pictures as a medium for antisemitic messages.

Fritz Hippler, the president of the Reich Film Chamber, directed the film Der ewige Jude, with input from German Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels. A pseudo-documentary, it included scenes of Jews shot in the Warsaw and Lodz ghettos by propaganda company crews attached to the German military. This film was quite popular with audiences in Germany and throughout occupied Europe.

One of the film’s most notorious sequences compares Jews to rats that carry contagion, flood the continent, and devour precious resources. Der ewige Jude is distinctive not only for its crude, vile characterizations made worse with its gruesome footage of a Jewish ritual butcher at work slaughtering cattle, but also for its heavy emphasis on the alien nature of the East European Jew. In one of the film’s sequences, “stereotypical” Polish Jews with beards are depicted as shaven clean and transformed into “western-looking” Jews. Such “unmasking” scenes aimed to show German audiences that there was no difference between Jews living in East European ghettos and those inhabiting German neighborhoods.

Der ewige Jude ends with Hitler’s infamous speech to the Reichstag on January 30, 1939: “If international Jewish financiers inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the…victory of Jewry but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.” The speech appeared to herald a radicalization of the solution to the “Jewish Question” in the coming “Final Solution,” and provided a foreshadowing of mass murder.




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