We make a clear stance against the racist migration policy of the Dutch state. Civil servants like Heida and Geeroms are directly co-responsible for the daily torture of thousands of people behind prison walls and for the many deportations of people who will meet a sure death in the country they are forced to go to. Heida and Geeroms will most likely claim they are only doing their job and that all these crimes are not their responsibility. But they do make themselves complicit to a colonial system of repression and exclusion. We hold them responsible for their contributions to the Dutch policies and practices of exclusion, detention and deportation of migrants. No one should make a living out of this inhumane system. No longer they can do their “jobs” in the anonymity and pretended innocence they’ve been hiding in so far.
We’ll keep on fighting for a world without borders and an end to the capitalist system that ruins the world and keeps billions of people in the grip of poverty, hunger, war, oppression and exploitation.” [2]